30 Sweet and Savory Traditional Irish Desserts


Ireland, a land of captivating landscapes, rich history, and vibrant culture, also boasts a culinary heritage that will tantalize your taste buds. From the hearty stews that warm the soul to the delicate pastries that melt in your mouth, Irish cuisine is a symphony of flavors that reflects the island’s diverse influences. And when it comes to desserts, Ireland’s sweet and savory treats are a testament to the ingenuity and resourcefulness of its people.

Irish desserts are renowned for their simplicity, often relying on fresh, seasonal ingredients and traditional techniques. These treats have been passed down through generations, offering a glimpse into the island’s culinary history and the deep connection between food and culture.

1. Apple Tart


A classic Irish dessert that showcases the humble apple in all its glory. Tart, sweet, and bursting with apple goodness, this dessert is a must-try for any apple aficionado. Originating in the 17th century, apple tarts gained popularity in Ireland due to the abundance of apples in the country. They are typically enjoyed during the autumn months when apples are in season and are often served warm with a dollop of vanilla ice cream or cream.

The pastry crust, a testament to the skill of Irish bakers, provides a delicate foundation, while the apples, diced and gently cooked, offer a burst of fruity goodness. The caramelized sugar, a result of slow baking, adds a touch of richness and complexity, while the spices create a warm and inviting aroma that fills the kitchen with a sense of autumnal delight.

2. Barmbrack

An Irish fruitcake traditionally baked for Halloween, Barmbrack is packed with sultanas, raisins, and spices, making it a flavorful and festive treat. A ring is often hidden within the cake, symbolizing good luck to whoever finds it. Barmbrack is typically prepared during the weeks leading up to Halloween and is often enjoyed as a snack or part of a traditional Halloween dinner. It is a popular dessert among children and adults alike, who eagerly await the thrill of discovering the hidden ring.

3. Bath Boxty

A unique potato cake from Ulster, Bath Boxty is a delightful combination of mashed potatoes, flour, and eggs, often fried to golden perfection. The name “boxty” is thought to derive from the Irish word “bacstai,” meaning “cake.” Bath Boxty is typically enjoyed as a savory dish and is often served with a fried egg or a dollop of sour cream. It is a popular breakfast or brunch dish and is particularly enjoyed by older generations who grew up with this traditional Irish treat.

4. Blaa

A soft, white bread roll from Waterford, Blaa is traditionally served with a slice of spiced beef or a hearty bowl of soup, adding a touch of fluffiness to any meal. The unique shape of the Blaa, with a distinctive “figure-of-eight” indentation, is said to have originated from bakers using their fingers to create the shape.

Blaa is typically enjoyed as a sandwich bread or as a side dish to soups and stews. It is a popular choice among all age groups, particularly those who appreciate the soft and fluffy texture of this traditional Irish bread.

5. Brown Soda Bread

A staple in Irish households, Brown Soda Bread is dense, flavorful, and slightly sweet, making it a versatile accompaniment to any meal. The bread’s distinctive flavor comes from the use of baking soda, which gives it a slightly tangy and earthy taste.

Brown Soda Bread is typically prepared weekly or bi-weekly and is often served with butter, jam, or cheese. It is a popular breakfast bread and is enjoyed by all ages. The bread’s distinctive flavor comes from the use of baking soda, which gives it a slightly tangy and earthy taste.

6. Carrageen Moss Pudding

This unique dessert is made from carrageen moss, a type of seaweed that’s boiled with milk and sugar to create a light and airy pudding. This delicate pudding is often enjoyed as a refreshing treat during the summer months. Carrageen moss pudding is prepared by soaking carrageen moss in water, then boiling it with milk, sugar, and flavorings until it forms a soft and creamy pudding. The pudding is then chilled, creating a light and refreshing dessert that is perfect for a warm day.

7. Carrot Cake

A classic dessert with an Irish twist, Carrot Cake in Ireland is often infused with whiskey or Irish cream, adding a touch of warmth and complexity to the familiar flavors. The addition of whiskey or Irish cream creates a moist and flavorful cake with a hint of spice and indulgence.

The origins of Irish carrot cake can be traced back to the early 1900s, when Irish cooks began experimenting with adding local ingredients to traditional recipes. Carrots, a staple in Irish cuisine, became a natural addition to the carrot cake, while Irish whiskey or Irish cream, renowned for their smoothness and richness, added a touch of luxury.

8. Custard

A rich and creamy dessert, Custard is often made with milk, eggs, and sugar, creating a smooth and velvety treat that can be enjoyed on its own or used as a base for other desserts. Custard is a versatile ingredient that can be used in a variety of ways, from filling tarts and pastries to creating a comforting custard sauce for bread and fruit.

Irish custard is a versatile dessert that can be enjoyed in a variety of ways. As a standalone treat, it’s often served warm, drizzled with a caramel sauce or topped with fresh berries. Its rich, creamy texture and subtle sweetness make it a perfect ending to a hearty meal.

9. Crumble 

A versatile dessert that can be made with a variety of fruits, Crumble is a combination of a buttery, crumbly topping and sweet, juicy fruit filling, creating a delightful contrast in textures and flavors. The crumble topping, made with flour, butter, and sugar, provides a rich and satisfying contrast to the juicy fruit filling, making it a classic and crowd-pleasing dessert.

10. Whiskey Cake

A decadent and flavorful cake, whiskey cake features the rich and complex flavor of Irish whiskey. This indulgent dessert is typically enjoyed during special occasions, such as holidays and celebrations. Whiskey cake is prepared by combining flour, sugar, eggs, and Irish whiskey, resulting in a rich and flavorful batter. The cake is then baked until golden brown, filling the kitchen with an irresistible aroma of whiskey and spices.

11. Soda Bread Ice Cream

A unique and refreshing dessert, soda bread ice cream features chunks of soda bread swirled into a creamy vanilla ice cream base. This playful dessert is enjoyed by people of all ages, making it a perfect treat for summer gatherings or afternoon snacks. Soda bread ice cream is prepared by making a batch of soda bread, then crumbling it into a creamy vanilla ice cream base. The mixture is then frozen, creating a delightful combination of textures and flavors.

12. Potato Cake

A savory potato cake, potato cake is often served with fried eggs or bacon, making it a hearty and satisfying dessert. This traditional dish is typically enjoyed during the winter months, providing a warm and comforting meal. Potato cake is prepared by mashing potatoes with flour, eggs, and spices, then forming the mixture into small cakes. The cakes are then fried until golden brown, creating a crispy exterior and soft, fluffy interior.

13. Guinness Chocolate Cake

A unique and flavorful cake, Guinness chocolate cake features the rich and malty flavor of Guinness beer. This decadent dessert is enjoyed by people of all ages, making it a perfect treat for any celebration. Guinness chocolate cake is prepared by combining flour, sugar, cocoa powder, and Guinness beer, resulting in a rich and flavorful batter. The cake is then baked until golden brown, filling the kitchen with an irresistible aroma of chocolate and malt.

14. Apple and Bacon Crumble

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A savory twist on a classic dessert, apple and bacon crumble features a combination of sweet apples and salty bacon topped with a buttery crumble topping. This unique dessert is enjoyed by people of all ages, making it a versatile treat for any occasion. Apple and bacon crumble is prepared by sautéing diced apples with bacon, then topping them with a crumbly mixture of flour, sugar, and butter. The crumble is then baked until golden brown, creating a delightful contrast of sweet and savory flavors.

15. Colcannon

A savory potato and cabbage dish, colcannon is often topped with a dollop of butter or cream, transforming it into a comforting dessert. This hearty dish is typically enjoyed during the winter months, as it provides warmth and nourishment on chilly evenings. Colcannon is prepared by boiling potatoes and cabbage together, then mashing them with butter, milk, and cream until smooth. The dish is often topped with a dollop of butter or cream, adding an extra layer of richness and flavor.

16. Irish Coffee

A warm and comforting beverage, Irish Coffee is a combination of hot coffee, Irish whiskey, brown sugar, and whipped cream, creating a delightful symphony of flavors. Inspired by the iconic Irish Coffee beverage, the Irish Coffee dessert is a delightful creation that captures the essence of the drink in a sweet and indulgent form.

This decadent treat features layers of coffee-infused cake, creamy whiskey-spiked mousse, and a rich chocolate ganache, culminating in a symphony of flavors that will tantalize your taste buds.

17. Spotted Dog

A traditional Irish sponge cake, Spotted Dog is dotted with sultanas or raisins, creating a moist and flavorful dessert that is often served with custard or cream. This traditional sponge cake, speckled with sultanas or raisins, has been a staple in Irish households for generations, offering a delightful combination of sweetness, texture, and a touch of fruity surprise.

The Spotted Dog’s versatility makes it a crowd-pleaser. It can be enjoyed on its own, savoring the interplay of flavors and textures, or paired with a dollop of custard or cream for an extra layer of richness.

18. Irish Cream

A liqueur known for its smooth and creamy texture, Irish Cream is often made with Irish whiskey, cream, and chocolate, creating a decadent and indulgent treat. The essence of Irish Cream lies in its masterful balance of contrasting elements: the robust, earthy notes of Irish whiskey, the velvety richness of cream, and the decadent sweetness of chocolate.

Each sip delivers a delightful interplay of flavors, with the whiskey’s warmth harmonizing with the cream’s smoothness, while the chocolate adds a touch of indulgence and complexity.

19. Irish Cream Baked Apples 

Baked apples oozing with a homemade Irish cream infused sauce. An autumnal adult dessert, cored apples are baked and served warm in an Irish cream-spiked cream sauce for an indulgent finish.

As the baked apples surrender to the gentle heat of the oven, their flesh softens, becoming infused with the subtle sweetness of the Irish cream sauce. The once crisp skin gives way to a tender, melt-in-your-mouth texture, creating a harmonious contrast between the soft interior and the slightly caramelized exterior.

20. Cranachan 

Whipped cream is folded into sweetened oats, fresh raspberries, and Irish whiskey for a beautiful layered dessert. This elegant dessert is popular for celebrations and holidays. It’s assembled by layering sweet whipped cream with honeyed oats, juicy berries, and a splash of whiskey.

The essence of Cranachan lies in its masterful combination of contrasting elements: the airy lightness of whipped cream, the earthy sweetness of toasted oats, the tartness of fresh raspberries, and the subtle warmth of Irish whiskey. Each layer delivers a distinct sensory experience, with the whipped cream’s smoothness harmonizing with the oats’ crunchiness, while the raspberries’ tanginess is balanced by the whiskey’s subtle warmth.

21. Irish Mist Pie 

Photo by Hugo Aitken on Unsplash

An icebox pie with a gingery, honey-sweetened filling laced with Irish Mist liqueur. A cool summertime dessert, this no-bake pie is made by filling a graham cracker crust with a quick honey and cream filling spiked with Irish Mist. The beauty of Irish Mist Pie lies in its simplicity.

Its no-bake nature makes it an ideal dessert for those seeking a fuss-free treat, while its combination of readily available ingredients allows for easy preparation. The result is a culinary masterpiece that is both elegant and effortless, perfect for casual gatherings or special occasions.

22. Yellowman 

A chewy honeycomb toffee that takes on a vibrant golden yellow hue. It originated in Northern Ireland. This sweet, crunchy candy is a staple at autumn fairs and festivals. It starts by boiling sugar into a hard crack toffee before mixing in baking soda to create rocky, honeycomb-like candy pieces.

Each bite of Yellowman is a culinary adventure for the senses. The initial crunch gives way to a soft, chewy texture that melts in the mouth, leaving behind a lingering sweetness that is both comforting and invigorating. 

23. Boxty Pancakes 

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Savory potato pancakes wrapped around fillings like bacon and cheese or sweet apples. These hearty potato griddlecakes can be either sweet or savory. Grate potatoes, mix into a batter, and fry into wrap-like pancakes perfect for breakfast or brunch. The charm of Boxty Pancakes lies in their versatility and ability to accommodate a wide range of fillings.

Whether savory or sweet, each bite delivers a delightful interplay of flavors and textures. For savory enthusiasts, a filling of crispy bacon and melted cheese creates a harmonious blend of saltiness, richness, and potato goodness. For sweet cravings, a filling of caramelized apples and a sprinkle of cinnamon provides a comforting warmth and a touch of indulgence.

24. Shamrock Shortbread 

Traditional Irish shortbread is stamped into festive shamrock shapes. Fun traditional cookies that are easy for kids to help make. A shortbread dough is chilled, rolled, cut into shamrocks, and baked until lightly golden. Each bite of Shamrock Shortbread delivers a delightful symphony of flavors and textures. The buttery richness of the shortbread melts in the mouth, while the subtle hint of sweetness complements the earthy notes of the flour.

25. Lemon Drizzle Cake 

A light sponge cake doused in a tart lemon glaze for puckery brightness. This refreshing cake is nice for bridal and baby showers. A simple sponge cake is baked then brushed with tart lemon syrup for a bright, summery finish. Lemon Drizzle Cake is a versatile treat that can be customized to suit individual preferences.

Some prefer a stronger lemon presence, adding a hint of lemon extract to the batter or the syrup. Others enjoy a touch of spice, incorporating a pinch of nutmeg or a dash of ginger into the cake. For a touch of indulgence, a dollop of whipped cream or a sprinkle of fresh berries can be added.

26. Rhubarb Crumble

Photo by Duncan Kidd on Unsplash

This classic treat, featuring layers of sweet and tangy rhubarb nestled beneath a crunchy oat streusel topping, has captivated taste buds with its harmonious blend of flavors and textures, making it a perfect choice for cozy evenings, family gatherings, or simply indulging in a taste of springtime.

The rhubarb, a seasonal fruit known for its vibrant red stalks and tart flavor, is gently sweetened with sugar, allowing its natural acidity to shine through. The oat streusel topping, a combination of flour, butter, and brown sugar, provides a contrast in texture and flavor, adding a touch of sweetness, richness, and a delightful crunch.

27. Porter Cake 

A dense, fruity cake made with Irish Porter beer instead of other liquids. The beer lends a complex, molasses-like flavor. This dark, rich cake is often enjoyed around the holidays. Irish porter is used in place of milk or water to bake a dense fruitcake with deep, malty notes.

Porter Cake stands as a testament to Irish culinary heritage, embodying the country’s love for dark, rich flavors, hearty ingredients, and the tradition of baking during the holiday season. The use of Irish porter beer, a staple in Irish pubs and households, adds a touch of authenticity and a unique twist to this classic fruit cake recipe.

28. Rice Pudding

A comforting and classic dessert, Rice Pudding is a combination of cooked rice, milk, sugar, and spices, often served with a dollop of jam or cream, providing a warm and nostalgic treat. Rice Pudding is not just a dessert; it is an invitation to share, savor, and create new memories.

Whether enjoyed warm from the oven or at room temperature, each bite delivers a comforting embrace of flavors and textures. It is a perfect choice for casual gatherings, family meals, or simply indulging in a taste of nostalgia.

29. Flapjack

A chewy and satisfying oat bar, Flapjack is a popular treat in Ireland, often made with oats, butter, sugar, and golden syrup, providing a burst of energy and flavor. The addition of dried fruits, such as raisins or cranberries, adds a burst of sweetness and chewy texture, while nuts, such as chopped almonds or pecans, provide a contrasting crunch and a touch of healthy fats.

For those who prefer a hint of spice, a pinch of cinnamon or a dash of nutmeg can be incorporated into the batter, creating a unique and personalized twist o

n the traditional recipe. Flapjack is not just a treat; it is an invitation to indulge and fuel adventures.

30. Jam Roll

 A simple yet delightful dessert, Jam Roll is a spiral of puff pastry filled with sweet jam, providing a flaky and flavorful treat. Jam Roll is a versatile dessert that can be customized to suit individual preferences. Some people prefer a stronger jam presence, while others enjoy a hint of spice.

Jam Roll is a great way to use up leftover jam and is a perfect treat for any occasion. The puff pastry, whether homemade or store-bought, requires minimal preparation, while the jam can be sourced from local markets or made at home using fresh fruits. 

From decadent chocolate cakes to comforting bread puddings and traditional Irish oatcakes, these desserts showcase the diversity of sweet and savory treats found across Ireland. These time-honored recipes use local ingredients and desserts like apple cake, yellowman, and rhubarb crumble reflect Ireland’s seasonal produce. Visiting Ireland is the perfect chance to taste authentic home-cooked versions that have been passed down through generations of Irish families.


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