The hottest topic in the city is the unearthed black banquet hall with breathtaking frescoes. After years of excavation, this might be the best discovery in many years, considering how old the paintings are.

Pompeii, the ancient Roman city buried in 79 AD, has been a camping zone for archeologists for years. However, finding a perfectly preserved wall painting was not something people imagined would happen. The ‘black room’, as referred to because of the color of the walls, probably acquired the color from the soot as a result of burning oil.

The room measuring fifteen meters long and six meters wide was discovered in a former private establishment in Via di Nola. The place is located on one of ancient Pompeii’s famous and longest roads, which served as a link to the main city.

The walls of the room are full of beautiful ancient paintings, including the depiction of Helen of Troy during the first-ever meeting with Paris, the Prince of Troy in ancient Rome.

The discovery, made on April 12, adds to Rome’s numerous tourist attractions and ancient landmarks. This will become one of the most popular tourist destinations in the coming days, months, and years as more discoveries are anticipated. 

The Guardian shows a painting on the walls of the black room of the Greek god Apollo as he tries to seduce Cassandra.

This discovery is open to the people of Rome and visitors to enjoy the view of the new paintings from the ancient world.

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  1. The best travel book : Rick Steves – Paris 2023 – Learn more here
  2. Fodor’s Paris 2024 – Learn more here

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  2. Samsonite Winfield 2 28″ Luggage – Learn more here
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