Photo Courtesy of National Gallery Prague (NGP) Website Page

Art lovers can rejoice over news of the Louvre works exhibition at the National Gallery Prague (NGP). This event will display over 200 works that consist of prints, drawings, paintings, jewelry, and more. It runs from May 17 until August 11, 2024, every Tuesday through Sunday from 10 am to 6 pm. It will be hosted at the National Gallery Prague (NGP) – Waldstein Riding School.

This project is a collaboration with the renowned Louvre Museum in Paris. It will be dedicated to showcasing the stunning world of Mannerist printmaking. From the evolution of this artistic style, and its imaginative richness to the symbolism of its content.

This information will be presented in different forms including guided tours through the exhibition, and diverse workshops for adults and children. There will also be a short art history course on Mannerism.

Highlights To Look Forward To

This exhibition will unveil the evolution of Mannerist graphic art. It will also explore the contribution it has had on other forms of art and the advancements of the art form over the centuries. Visitors will also have the opportunity to discover the artistic exchange between different countries throughout history to the modern era.

Visitors can expect to step back in time to the 16th-century art scene. The exhibition will feature works of this era from centers across Europe. This will include content from art centers in France, Italy, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Germany, and others.

Moreover, historical records credit the Mannerism technique’s origins in Italy. The style stands out with refined elegance, high imagination, and a common use of symbols with hidden meanings. Linked to the High Renaissance art era, between the 14th to 16th centuries, it quickly gained recognition worldwide.

Better still, it was thanks to printmaking, that Mannerism received widespread respect. Notable works of this style were pushed by artists such as the Italian sculptor and painter Michelangelo. Other acclaimed painters were Italian architects Raphael and Giulio Romano, whose works will be exhibited. 

Furthermore, significant respect is given to the Mannerist decoration of The Palace of Fontainebleau in France. This facility served as the nation’s royal residence until the 19th century. Its Mannerism design remains part of the major draw for the facility.

Beyond Mannerist graphic art, the exhibition will feature a rare collection. That is a donation to the Louvre Museum by the renowned art collector Edmond de Rothschild. Some of the art pieces from the collection have never been on public exhibit elsewhere before.

On top of that, to enrich the program will also be a category dedicated to master painters, engravers, and etchers. The likes of Michelangelo Buonarroti, Parmigianino, and Schiavone. More artworks on display will be by Cornelis Cort, Hendrick Goltzius, and Aegidius Sadeler. This section will also feature works from Jacques Bellange, Jacques Callot, and the list goes on.

More details about the program can be found on the National Gallery Prague (NGP) official website.

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