A new exhibition for the Picasso Museum in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain promises an enthralling journey into the artistic inspirations that shaped the legendary Pablo Picasso’s creative genius.

Titled ‘Greco, Velázquez, inspire me! Picasso invites the Museo del Prado,’ This captivating showcase unveils three masterpieces from the renowned Museo del Prado in Madrid, shedding light on the influential artists who guided Picasso’s formative years.

The museum, renowned for its extensive collection of over 4,251 Picasso works, now offers visitors a rare opportunity to explore the artistic roots that nurtured the young Picasso’s talent.

Before embarking on his groundbreaking artistic journey, the aspiring artist studied under Antonio Muñoz Degrain and admired the works of Diego Velázquez and El Greco during his time at the Special School of Painting, Sculpture, and Engraving in Madrid from 1897 to 1898.

This remarkable exhibition allows art enthusiasts to witness firsthand the profound impact these masters had on Picasso’s late work, where their influence is unmistakable.

In a poignant moment, Picasso acknowledged their significance, famously writing “Greco, Velázquez, inspire me!” in a drawing from the southern municipality of Horta de Sant Joan, Catalonia, lending the exhibition its evocative name.

Beyond the three captivating works from the Museo del Prado, visitors will also encounter a temporary addition – ‘Child in Bed or Claude with Mumps,’ an oil painting from 1948 depicting Picasso’s son Claude lying ill with mumps.

This touching piece adds a personal dimension to the exhibition, offering a glimpse into the artist’s private life.

With this extraordinary showcase, the Picasso Museum invites art enthusiasts on an immersive journey through Picasso’s artistic evolution, revealing the masterful influences that ignited his creative spark and ultimately shaped his legendary artistic legacy. 

An unmissable opportunity for seasoned art connoisseurs and casual admirers alike, this exhibition promises to captivate and enlighten, leaving a lasting impression on all who witness the extraordinary artistic lineage that birthed one of the twentieth century’s greatest artists.

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