For tourists visiting the vibrant city of Istanbul, one dish is sure to grab their attention – the humble yet delicious meatball. However, these are no ordinary meatballs. In Istanbul’s culinary scene, meatballs come in a variety of shapes, challenging the traditional spherical form we are accustomed to.

The Oval-Shaped Meatball Sensation

Sweeping across Istanbul’s restaurants and street food stalls is the oval-shaped meatball, known locally as ‘kadınbudu köfte’. Literally translating to ‘lady’s thigh meatball’, these elongated delicacies are a visual and taste sensation. Ingredients?- a mixture of ground meat, bulghur wheat, spices, and fresh herbs. They are then grilled to perfection, coming out with a smoky aroma.

The unique shape of the kadınbudu köfte is deeply rooted in Istanbul’s rich cultural heritage. Legend has it that during the Ottoman Empire, a sultan’s wife shaped the meatballs to resemble her shapely thighs, as a symbolic gesture of affection for her husband. ​

Where to Find the Best Oval Meatballs

For travellers seeking an authentic taste of Istanbul’s oval meatball tradition, several renowned establishments stand out. Karadeniz Doner, a local favorite, serves succulent kadınbudu köfte accompanied by a tangy ezme salad and fresh-baked bread. Alternatively, Çiya Sofrasi, a restaurant celebrated for its traditional Anatolian cuisine, offers a mouthwatering variation, infused with aromatic spices and served with a dollop of tangy yogurt.

A Feast for the Senses

Indulging in Istanbul’s oval-shaped meatballs is more than just a culinary experience – it’s a feast for the senses. The aroma of charred meat mingles with the fragrance of herbs. The tender texture and bold flavors ignite the taste buds.

Trying out the city’s unique culinary offerings is a must for ant visitor. And when it comes to meatballs, be prepared to leave your preconceptions behind – in this city, not all meatballs are round, and that’s what makes them truly extraordinary.

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