Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan. Photo unattributed – Unsplash

The Best Art Schools in Taiwan


The Arts refers to programs that focus on intellectual type topics that are not always as straightforward as science and math. Those wishing to play a creative role in contributing to the community would be interested in the arts.

Taiwan, officially the Republic of China, is a state in East Asia and the first constitutional republic in Asia. Taiwan has several good universities, many of which have exchange agreements with foreign universities, and these are a good way to experience life in Taiwan.

Below are some of the best art schools in Taiwan.

1. National Taiwan University of Arts (NTUA) is a leading and most comprehensive art university in Taiwan

The Art decoration in Chung-Wen Elementary School, Chiayi, Taiwan. Photo by ZephyrChen – Wikimedia Commons

It was founded on 31st October 1955. The National Taiwan University of Arts is a leading and most comprehensive art university in Taiwan focusing on arts, design, and communications.

In 1960, the name was changed to the National Taiwan Academy of Arts, and then in August 1994 to the National Taiwan College of Arts. The university took on its present name on August 1, 2001.

 Education at NTUA emphasizes humanistic thinking, creative production, theoretical analysis, and hands-on practice. In terms of scope, the university offers courses on the local and the international, the avant-garde and the traditional, the creative and the commercial, and the theoretical and the practical.

NTUA comprises five colleges which include the College of Fine Arts, the College of Design, the College of Communications, the College of Performing Arts, and the College of Humanities.

 In addition to day division undergraduate programs and graduate programs, there are also Extended Bachelor Degree Courses (evenings), two-year in-service BA programs, and in-service MA programs.

 The university employs about 190 staff members, 165 full-time faculty members, and 771 part-time teachers. The university is home to about 5000 students.

The college of fine arts comprises the department of fine arts (Graduate School of Printmaking), Department of Sculpture, Department of Painting and Calligraphy Arts (Graduate School of Plastic Arts), and Department of Architecture and Art Conservation.

The college of design consists of the department of Visual Communication Design, Department of Crafts and Design, Department of Multimedia and Animation Arts, Graduate School of Creative Industry Design (Ph.D.).

Under the college of communications, there is the department of Motion Picture, the Department of Radio and Television (Graduate School of Applied Media Arts), and the Department of Graphic Communication Arts.

The departments under the college of performing arts are the department of drama (Graduate school of performing Arts), department of music, department of Chinese Music, the Department of dance, and the graduate school of performing arts (Ph.D.).

Under the college of humanities are the general Education Center, Physical Education Center, Teacher Education Center, Graduate School of Arts and Humanities Instruction, and Graduate School of Art Management and Culture Policy.

Over the past six decades, the School’s outstanding alumni are too numerous to enumerate, including well-known Oscars Best Director’s Award winner Ang Lee, as well as many musicians, dancers, artists, and designers.

In addition to day division undergraduate programs and graduate programs, there are also Extended Bachelor Degree Courses (evenings), two-year in-service BA programs, and in-service MA programs.

Located in New Taipei City, the university employs about 100 staff members, 162 full-time faculty members, and 637 part-time teachers. The university is home to about 5,400 students.

2. Tainan National University of the Arts’ mission is to nurture talents in the highly professional art fields.

Fu Mei Chang at the Ruskin School of Art. Photo by Mericachang – Wikimedia Commons

The year of establishment of the Tainan National University of the Arts was 1989. The mission of TNNUA is to nurture talents in the highly professional art fields.

The school boasts a wide range of academic fields in related areas, comprising the College of Music, College of Visual Arts, College of Sound and Image Arts, College of Letters and Cultural Heritage, and Commission for General Education.

Tainan National University of the Arts is an arts university in Guantian District, Tainan, Taiwan. The campus is in the countryside; beside the campus, there is a reservoir. Many international guest professors visit. The architect of the university was Han Pao-teh in 1996.

It is a professional art school for training in arts and advancing morals, nurturing specialized talents in the art fields and humanities, upholding the integrity, and maintaining an interest in entertainment

3. National Cheng Kung University Guangfu Campus is best known for engineering, computer science, medicine, and planning and design.

The Art decoration in Chung-Wen Elementary School. The wall of Chongwen Elementary School in Chiayi City, Taiwan is decorated with paintings of Chen Chengbo on the tiles: Chiayi Street View 1934. Photo by Tan Teng-pho – Wikimedia Commons

National Cheng Kung University is a public research university located in Tainan, Taiwan. The university is best known for engineering, computer science, medicine, and planning and design.

Among other best art schools in Taiwan are:

4. College of Liberal Arts is a college under the National Taiwan University

School for Taiwan Natives. Photo unattributed – Wikimedia Commons

This college is under the National Taiwan University. It was established in 1928.

5. Tung Fang Design Institute was originally established as a Private Tung Fang Junior College of Industry and Arts

Zhanghua Art High School. Photo by Lienyuan lee – Wikimedia Commons

Tung Fang was originally established in January 1966 as Private Tung Fang Junior College of Industry and Arts. In July 1969, the junior college was renamed Tung Fang Junior College of Industry.

In October 1990, the junior college was again renamed Tung Fang Junior College of Industry and Commerce. In August 2002, the junior college was upgraded to Tung Fang Institute of Technology and in 2010 to Tung Fang Design Institute.

In 2020, the university had an enrollment rate of less than 60%. It has three faculties: the School of arts and design, the school of engineering, and the school of business and management.

The school is accessible west of Dahu station in Taiwan.

6. National Tsing Hua University

National Dong Hwa University College of The Arts (NDHU) – Wikimedia Commons

National Tsing Hua University is a public research university in Hsinchu City, Taiwan. National Tsing Hua University was first founded in Beijing. After the Chinese Civil War, the then-president of the university, Mei Yiqi, and other major academics fled to Taiwan with the retreating Nationalist government.




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