Photo by Rachel Strong on Unsplash
Top 15 Famous Christian Authors
Authors are known to either write books, articles or documents. Different authors have the option of choosing what genre that they inclined to write on. Author may either choose to write drama, Fantasy, Fictional, Horror, Mysteries, Thriller, Romance or Religious works.
Christian authors have devoted their work into having a religious background. They produce pieces that encourage believers in their journey in Christianity. Some even give their personal experiences to encourage other in the path of Christianity.
1.Clive Staples
Lewis in 1947, photo by Arthur Strong, Wikimedia commons.
Clive Staples Lewis was a British writer and Anglican lay theologian. He was regarded as the most celebrated of Christian authors in modern times. He served at the Oxford University and was an active member of the Inklings group.
He has written over 30 books. He was well known for his fiction book, the Chronicles of Narnia. The series has been adopted for radio, television, the stage, film and video games.
Some of his other books include, The Space Trilogy, Mere Christianity, Miracles and the Problem of pain.
2.Priscilla Shirer
Shirer in 2019, photo by Sister Circle TV. Wikimedia commons
Priscilla Shirer is an American Christian author, actress, Christian media personality and motivational speaker. She has been starred in different Christian films. She was born in a Christian family
Her father Dallas was a pastor in the mega-church. He has written several books and has connected with women for them to experience the power of truths available in God’s scriptures.
She graduated at the Duncanville High School and Dallas Theological Seminary earning a master’s in Biblical studies.
3.Terri Blackstock
Terri Blackstock is a New York Times and USA Today best-seller, with other over several million books sold worldwide. She is a prominent Christian author who has received numerous awards.
She has won the Christian Retailers Choice and Carol Award and a Romantic Times Book Reviews Career Achievements Awards among others. One of her objectives in writing is for her readers to know that they’re not alone, and all trials in life have a purpose.
4.Kyle Idleman
Kyle is currently the Teaching Pastor of Southeast Christian Church. He has grown to become a prominent Christian author. Currently she has the fifth largest church in the country with over 20,000 attendees every week.
He is known for his best-selling books that include the Not a Fun, The End of Me and Don’t give up. He has received numerous awards for the work done over the years. He has dedicated his life into serving God and leading.
In his book, Not a Fan to Grace is Greater, he uses his experience to encourage other believers and gives insights to uplift and see the world as an opportunity to see their environment as an opportunity to serve God.
5.Max Lucado
Lucado in 2019, photo by Official Proverbs 31 Ministries. Wikimedia commons
Max Lucado is a pastor, speaker and best seller-christian author. Lucado studied at the Abilene Christian University. He worked all through his life in University by selling his books door to door.
He has written almost 100 books with 130 million copies in print. He has equally received recognition and several awards for his amazing skills as an author. Some of the awards he has received include Gold Medallion Christian Book of the year and the New York Times Best Seller list.
6.Ed Welch
Photograph of Harry Edward Welch, Jr, photo by Santa Margarita Catholic High School. Wikimedia commons
Ed Welch is a counselor and facilitator at The Christian Counseling and Education Foundation. He is sold several best-selling books in the New York Times bestseller.
He has been in the business for over forty years. Ed Welch has also been a counselor and has written widely on the topic. He has dedicated most his life in helping people processing their emotions.
He earned his PhD in counseling form the University of Utah and a masters form the Biblical Theological Seminary. His has written books to expound on topics regarding depression, fear and addiction.
7.Franklin Graham jr
Rev. Franklin Graham, photo by Matt Johnson. Wikimedia commons
Franklin was an American evangelist and Baptist minister. He became proponent back in the late 40`s. Franklin has written several books including, The Jesus Generation, Angel: God`s Secret Agent, He has been Born Again, Peace with God, My Answer, World Aflame and The Challenge.
8.Francis Chan
Francis Chan at Catalyst West 2009, photo by Natebailey. Wikimedia commons
Francis Chan became famous while conducting his evangelism work. He grew in a religious family. Francis Chan was born to Pak-sum Chan, a former minister at the Leighton Road Baptist church and to Wan-Bing Mui who was known to be a Bible woman in Hong Kong.
He founded the Eternity Bible College. The collage provides affordable and flexible online studies to people from all over the world. Francis Chan was also a Chancellor at the same collage.
His first book, “Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God” back in 2009 became a best-seller. He has written several other Christian books. Some of his books including “Forgotten God: Reversing Our Tragic Neglect of the Holy Spirit”, “Erasing Hell”, and “Multiply: Disciples Making Disciples.”
9.Sarah Young
She is known to be a missionary who primarily writes devotional works. He has written books on reflections of her quiet time for devoting to read the Bible, pray and write in prayer journals. Her books have become best-sellers all over the world.
Some of her books include, Jesus Calling, Jesus Always, Dear Jesus, Jesus Lives, Jesus Calling Storybook and Peace in His Presence. In her books she has expounded on the balance between being in connection with Jesus and connecting with people.
Readers of her books have given praise to her writings. Some readers have stated that Sarah`s writing has helped them grow spiritually.
10.Philip Yancey
Yancey (left) has written many books, including Vanishing Grace, photo by Col 3:2. Wikimedia commons
Philip Yancey is a renowned American author. His work has been known to mainly focus on spiritual issues. He has been won several awards from the book he has published over time. He won the Christian Book of the Year award back in 1996 for The Jesus I Never Knew and later on in 1998 he won the award for What’s So Amazing About Grace.
He has become successful by selling his best-seller books. So far he has sold a total of 14 million copies worldwide. Other than his books, Philip as a journalist has interviewed a few prominent figures in the US government. He has interviewed two American presidents, Billy Graham, Annie Dillard and Henri Nouwen.
11.Frank Peretti
Frank Peretti is a Christian Fictional author. Frank has an inbuilt passion of story-telling, even as a young boy he sold stories to other neighborhood children. As from 2012 he has sold over 15 Million copies of his work.
His novels bring a fresh perspective into people lives. His Christian fictional novels have attracted people from all over. Two of his best works is the, This Present Darkness and Piercing the Darkness.
Peretti`s work opened doors for other evangelical fictional writing.
12.Lysa Terkeurst
Lysa Terkeurst is a renowned New York Times best-selling author. She has written over 16 books for over 15 years. She is the President of the Proverbs 31 Ministries, a small newsletter publisher.
Her book, Uninvited: Living Loved When You Feel Less Than, became a New York Times best-seller. Her work seeks to encourage believers to live everyday with God through daily devotions, online Bible studies.
Some of her books include, Forgiving What You Can`t Forget, Left Out, Unglued: Making Wise choices in The Midst of Raw Emotions and The Best Yes: Making Wise Decisions in the Midst of Endless Demands.
13Kenneth Max Copeland
Kenneth is an American Televangelist who has devoted his life to serve God. Kenneth in the company of his wife travel all over the world teaching the Word of God. They have devoted over 52 years of their life in evangelism.
Other than ministry work he is a renowned author. He founded the Kenneth Copeland Ministries where he and his wife have co-authored several books. Some of their books include From Faith to Faith: A Guide to Victory, Healing Promises and limitless love.
14.Dorothy L.Sayers
Bronze statue of Dorothy L. Sayers on Newland Street, England, photo by GeneralJohnsonJameson. Wikimedia commons
Dorothy was a lay theologian, playwright, translator and mystery author. She devoted her life in serving and working for God. She is regarded as one of the top writers of the 20th century.
She was known for her best-sellers during the first and Second World War. In one her work, The Mind of the Maker explores the analogy between a human creator and the doctrine of trinity. She introduces some of her personal experiences in her works. Her religious books did so well all over the world.
15.Eric Metaxas
Eric Metaxas at Socrates in the City, photo by Jon Macapodi. Wikimedia commons
Eric is an American author, speaker and radio host. He has written several children book including Squanto and the Miracle of Thanksgiving. These books have translated into about twenty five different languages.
Other than the books he has written, he has written three biographies, Amazing Grace: William Wilberforce and Heroic campaign to End Slavery, Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet and Spy about Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
Christian authors from all over the world have devoted their lives in serving the Lord. They have dedicated their work to encourage other believers in the same path.
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