Funny And Crazy: 70 Weirdest Laws From Around the World


There are many bizarre and unusual laws in the world. While some of these rules might have made sense in the past, others today look downright absurd. The strangest laws from throughout the world will be examined in this article, along with their origins and justifications. So fasten your seatbelts and get ready to learn about some extremely odd laws that are still in force today.

1. It is illegal to sing in a public highway

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Whistling, singing, or making any other superfluous noises while operating or moving any wagon, vehicle, automobile, motorbike, motor-driven cycle, bicycle, or any other vehicle propelled by any power other than muscular power on any public highway is prohibited by West Virginia Code 17C-14-6. As they say, there is a lot of power in music. Utmost concentration is necessary while operating these vehicles. Slight distraction can lead to terrible accidents.

2. It is illegal to sale alcohol on election day

Sales of alcoholic beverages on election day are prohibited in South Carolina. This law aims to encourage informed voting and ban the use of alcohol to purchase votes. Particularly, people seeking office during the elections shouldn’t purchase alcohol for anyone other than their family members. People under the influence of alcohol cannot make good judgment. Hence on a touchy day like election day it is necessary that people are in their right mind.

3. It is illegal to wear a mask in public

Photo by John Noonan on Unsplash

The wearing of a mask or disguise in public is prohibited in South Carolina, with a few exceptions made for Halloween and other special occasions. The goals of this law are to deter crime and safeguard public safety. Most criminals hide underneath disguises and masks to hide their identity as they take part in crime. It is a means of escaping the hands of law and law enforcement officers. 

4. Fortune tellers must have a permit before operating

Itinerant fortune tellers need licenses. Without first obtaining a license, it shall be prohibited for any individual to carry on the business of fortune telling. Each application for such a license must an amount to the clerks of court after which they will be issued the license. The license must include the applicant’s name and previous address and must be valid for a year after it is issued. This law seeks to regulate this industry. It is also a means of raising government revenue.

5. It is illegal to drive a black car on Sunday

Another strange law in Victoria is that it is illegal to drive a black car on Sunday. This law was introduced in the 1920s to prevent people from flaunting their wealth. It is also in line with the Sunday blue laws that sought to increase religious piety among individuals.

6. Wearing a batman costume is frowned upon

It’s not against the law to wear a Batman costume. However doing so in public without a valid reason could be considered illegal if the outfit contains a mask or facial covering. For instance, if someone were to wear a Batman costume to a fancy dress party or a comic convention, this would probably be regarded as a valid justification. However, if they were to do so in a public setting for no apparent reason, it may be illegal.

7. Durians are not allowed inside any public transport systems

Singapore prohibits the presence of durian, a spiky and acrid fruit that is common in Southeast Asia on public transportation. Due to the pungent smell that the fruit gives out, this legislation was implemented. Other passengers may find the smell to be overpowering. The fruit durian is renowned for its strong smell. The law was passed to stop the overpowering stink from upsetting other travelers.

8. It is illegal to walk around naked

Walking around naked in your own home is against the law. This is because it is considered a kind of public immorality. Offenders may receive fines or perhaps go to jail. It is forbidden to be exposed to the public while on a balcony or through a window. If neighbors or bystanders may see you, it is forbidden to be naked in your own home.

9. Failure to flash a public toilet is illegal in Singapore

There is a fine if the toilet is not flushed after use. The government places a high priority on sanitation and hygiene. Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore’s first and possibly most well-liked prime minister, is responsible for making bathrooms there so crazily clean. Lee came to power in 1959 until he decided to stand down in 1990. He presided over Singapore for 31 years.

10. It is illegal to feed pigeons in public areas

In Singapore, feeding pigeons in public areas is discouraged. This is due to the potential for health risks and an overpopulation of birds. Pigeons are considered a nuisance and a health risk by the government. Anyone caught breaking this rule will be found guilty of an offense and will be subject to a fine. On your subsequent lunch break, you’ll have to keep those sandwich crusts to yourself.

11. It is illegal to be drunk and disorderly in a pub

According to Queensland’s Liquor Act of 1992, licensed establishments have a responsibility to make sure that alcohol is provided responsibly and that customers don’t get too drunk. Licensees are responsible for preventing disorderly conduct and ensuring the safety of all guests. They do run the risk of penalties and fines if they permit or promote excessive drinking. For public nuisance charges, such as being intoxicated and unruly in a licensed establishment, the Queensland Police Service may levy immediate fines. 

12. Due to worries about pests and illnesses that could potentially threaten

Australia’s agriculture economy, restrictions are in place on the importing of rice from specific nations. Travelers entering Australia are required to declare any food, plant, or animal goods they are taking with them in accordance with the Biosecurity Act 2015, including rice. In order to make sure that the rice is not contaminated with pests or diseases, travelers who are found to be carrying more than 50 kg of rice may be subject to further inspections or quarantine procedures. Furthermore, there are restrictions on the quantity of rice that can be imported into Australia from specified nations.

13. It is illegal to hunt for dolphins and whales in Australian waters

In Australian waters, it is forbidden to hunt whales and dolphins for a variety of reasons. First off, under Australian legislation, it is forbidden to damage, kill, or capture either whales or dolphins without a valid permit. The International Whaling Commission (IWC), which was founded in 1946, was largely a result of Australia’s long standing opposition to whaling. The IWC is a global body in charge of managing whale populations and controlling whaling operations all over the world. Australian waters are off limits to whale and dolphin hunting.

14. It is illegal to be in possession of a laser pointer in public

In Western Australia, using a laser pointer in public is prohibited if one has no valid reason. Concerns about the abuse of laser pointers, particularly in connection to their use as a weapon to target aircraft and other vehicles, led to the introduction of this regulation in 2010. Handheld devices called laser pointers emit a light beam that can be used to direct attention to things or places. Misuse of laser pointers can have negative effects, especially when it comes to flight safety. A laser pointer’s intense glare might deter pilots and cause interference.

Click here to read the 20 weirdest laws in Massachusetts 

15. It is illegal to fly a kite in some circumstances 

In some places, such as close to airports or in restricted airspace, flying a kite is prohibited. Specifically, kites that are flown excessively high or in regions where they can interfere with air traffic might endanger the safety of airplanes. In addition, certain local councils or parks might have by-laws or ordinances that prohibit the usage of kites in public spaces, especially if they endanger people’s safety or cause property damage.

16. It is illegal to sell cars on a Sunday

It is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to engage in the business of buying, selling, trading or exchanging new, used or second-hand motor vehicles. Many laws made it illegal to trade specifically on Sunday. This was done in an effort to ensure that more people went to church. Sunday being the most common day of worship. The law states if a dealership is located in a county that has a population below 130,000, it can sell cars on Sunday. While the law is not enforced, most dealerships close on Sunday.

17. It is illegal to seduce an unmarried woman

Any man who shall seduce and debauch any unmarried woman shall be guilty of a felony, punishable by imprisonment in the state prison not more than five years or by fine of not more than $2,500. However, no prosecution shall be commenced under this section after one year from the time of committing the offense. This can be termed as cohabitation.

18. A woman cannot cut her hair at her own will

A woman isn’t allowed to cut her own hair without her husband’s permission. Hair was a symbol of womanhood. Further, this was a time when patriarchy was at its peak. This is the reason behind such absurd laws.

19. Destroying a vintage radio is illegal

If you’re no longer interested in keeping your old radio, forget about intentionally destroying it. It might be better to consider donating. This might have been enacted to protect the city’s heritage. Who knew radios could be so important.

20. Smoking in bed is illegal

Whether this law was passed to keep your bedroom’s indoor air clear, or because one person too many lit their bed on fire while smoking, we can’t be sure. However, common sense tells me smoking in bed could easily lead to fire outbreaks or accidents. As they say, it is better to be safe than sorry.

21. It is illegal to have sex in a car

This law makes it illegal to engage in sex in a car parked in public places. However, engaging in sex while parked in your space for instance your garage is not outlawed. This was done to ensure that public spaces are respected and to reduce the possibility of a nuisance.

Check out these 15 weird laws found in New York

22. Whistling underwater is illegal

According to West Virginia Code, it is illegal to “make or cause to be made any loud or unusual noise or sound in the waters of this state by means including the human voice, so as to annoy or harass  any person or wildlife.” This includes whistling or singing underwater. This is also for personal safety reasons. Whistling under water makes one lose a lot of oxygen making it harder to get the strength to swim out of the water.

23. It is illegal to hunt on Sundays

With a few exceptions and under specific conditions, hunting is not allowed on Sundays in West Virginia. The goal of this rule is to give people the freedom to engage in other activities on Sundays, such as attending church or spending time with family. They also limited the trading of certain goods. They are a part of the “blue laws” that promoted increased church attendance. It also strengthened the general populace’s piety.

24. It is illegal to shower while naked

A person may not “expose his or her person” in a hotel or motel room, according to West Virginia. This includes bathing or showering in your underwear. More often than not, most people shower naked. They are just trying to clean their bodies after all. Why this law was enacted is a wonder.

25. It is illegal to display a red or blue light on a vehicle

West Virginia law prohibits the use of red and blue lights on vehicles, except for emergency vehicles and certain other authorized vehicles. This law is intended to prevent confusion with law enforcement vehicles. Further, most ambulances utilize the red and blue lights for easy identification on public roads while facilitating emergencies.

26. It is illegal to wear a hat in a theater

Photo by Celine Ruiz on Unsplash

According to the law, “No person shall wear upon his or her head any hat, bonnet, or covering for the head which may obstruct the view of any person or persons during the performance in any theater, hall, opera house, or any such building where theatrical or other performances are given, when an admission fee is charged. “The goal of this law was to keep the theater in order. The point of being in a theater was defeated by some people’s headgear, which blocked the view of others.

27. It is frowned upon for unmarried people to live together

If an unmarried couple engages in indecent and lascivious behavior while living together, they commit a misdemeanor and, if found guilty, must pay a fine. They could spend up to six months in prison, depending on the judge’s discretion. If they commit the same offense again, they will face a sentence of not less than six months.

28. The Amish are not allowed to take photos

Their thought is that any physical representation of themselves like in photos, paintings, or films violates the Bible. These works of art go against the second commandment, which prohibits the making of “graven images”. Furthermore, they believe that such material promotes individualism and vanity. So it contradicts the principles of humility which ought to govern society. Even though they do not take photos of themselves, they also forbid others from taking photos of them.

29. Public display of affections is not allowed

In Dubai, public displays of affection like kissing, embracing, or holding hands are frowned upon due to the conservative nature of the culture. Infringers may face fines or perhaps jail time. If violators are found kissing or engaging in more dangerous behavior when they are apprehended will determine their nationality and the severity of the punishment.

30. Swearing or use of offensive language is illegal

In Dubai, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), using curse words and profanity is illegal. The use of vulgar or insulting language online and in other forms of communication is strictly prohibited in the United Arab Emirates. Anyone who uses any “indecent language” on the Internet or in any other form of communication is subject to a fine and a prison sentence of up to three years, as stated in Article 331 of the UAE Criminal Code. A fine of up to SR10 million ($2 million) and up to five years in prison are the possible penalties for using “indecent language” in Saudi Arabia. 

31. Women are required to dress modestly in public spaces

In public spaces like restaurants, malls, and beaches, women are required to dress modestly. The wearing of revealing attire is prohibited, including short skirts and sleeveless tops. Infringers may face fines or jail time. Both men and women in Dubai should cover their shoulders and knees when they are out in public.

32. Taking photos of individuals without their consent is illegal

In Dubai, taking pictures of people without their consent is prohibited. This law also covers things like structures, cars, and even animals. Regardless of whether you do it for personal or professional reasons, the law requires you to get the subject’s permission before taking a photo.

33. Fundraising in Dubai is illegal

Dubai forbids fundraising. If you are caught doing so, you could be subject to jail time, fines, or even deportation. Each type of gift must receive the Islamic Affairs and Charity Activities Department’s approval in the United Arab Emirates (IACAD). This is done to ensure that any funds raised are solely used for humanitarian endeavors and never for profit or personal advantage. Hence, soliciting gifts without IACAD’s consent is prohibited. If you formed a charity without first receiving IACAD’s approval, you might be breaching the law.

34. Eating or drinking on public transport is illegal

Although the law was created to deter littering, the police have repeatedly utilized it unlawfully. The Public Transport Security Command of the Dubai Police, which recently launched a campaign called “No Eating and Drinking on Trains,” enforces the rules.

Throughout the campaign, officers were stopping those who weren’t abiding by the rules and fining them. The sanctions apply to drivers and passengers alike. Drivers who are caught eating while operating a car face a fine. Moreover, spitting or chewing gum in public may be punished with a fine or a jail sentence.

35. It is illegal to litter in Singapore

In Singapore, it’s against the law to litter, and first-time offenders risk serious punishments. Depending on the size of the item, littering calls for a steep fine. Smaller items like candy wrappers typically result in a lower fine, whereas items like soda cans can land you in court and even result in a caning if caught. The government has put rigorous controls in place to keep the city clean because it takes cleanliness very seriously.

36. Smoking in public is illegal

One can be fined for smoking in public areas. Parks, beaches, and transportation are considered public places. Singapore has defined zones where smoking is permitted. In addition, possession, distribution, and sale of imitation tobacco products are prohibited. This is stated in the Tobacco (Regulation of Advertisements and Sale) Act. 

37. Homosexuality is illegal in Singapore

Homosexuality in men is prohibited. Having sex with someone of the same gender is included. Holding hands, kissing, and hugging in public is also frowned upon. Surprisingly, the laws’ language only refers to homosexuality in men. This law makes no mention of women. 

38. California residents cannot own ferrets

Most states across the country welcome ferrets. However, California prohibits ferret ownership. These animals, and other non-native species like sugar gliders and hedgehogs, must not enter California as pets. This is because they can prove hazardous to local California wildlife if they get released into the wild. Consequently, if you intend to purchase a ferret you will have to live outside California with your pet.

39. Walking an elephant down market street in San Francisco is illegal

It is illegal to walk an elephant down the street in San Francisco unless the elephant is on a leash. This law was put in place to keep the people of Los Angeles safe. Being a wild animal, elephants can run wild and injure people. To avoid this from happening in the busy street streaming with people, walking an elephant without a leash was outlawed.

40. Women in California are not allowed to drive in a housecoat

Photo by Rhamely on Unsplash

Some mornings, you just want to jump into the car and head out, whether you need to take the kids to school or run a couple of quick errands. Unfortunately, if you plan to do that as a woman in California, you will technically need to make sure you take off your housecoat while making that trip. Women in California cannot legally operate a motor vehicle while wearing a housecoat, otherwise known as a “nightie.”

41. One can only wear cowboy boots if they own two cows

As far as the legislators in Blythe are concerned, you can only be a true cowboy after you own two cows. This then gives you the freedom to wear cowboy boots. Cowboy boots were viewed as the appropriate footwear for a real cowboy and not a fashion trend that people chose to ascribe to.

42. It is illegal to stand on sidewalks with ice cream

This law was enacted in order to keep the street clean. The legislators found it sensible to outlaw standing on the sidewalk with ice cream since the ice cream would melt and spill on the sidewalk leaving the area dirty. This law was repealed.

43. Women should have a permit before wearing heels of more than two inches

This law was enacted to prevent the city from lawsuits emanating from accidents that women in heels encountered. This was prevalent since the pavements were irregular. Having a permit meant that any woman who therefore decided to wear heels and got injured could not sue the city council in any court of law.

44. It is illegal to wear a zoot suit in Los Angeles

Back in the 1930s and 1940s, it was quite hard to come across good fabric due to the effects of the war. Because of their excessive fabric, zoot suits were considered unpatriotic. Zoot suits were commonly worn by the Hispanics in the area around Los Angeles. This led to alterations between the Hispanics and white people. In order to stop the confrontations that were becoming frequent, this law was passed.

45. Kenya has specific laws on witchcraft

Kenya has a comprehensive statute on witchcraft that was passed in 1925. The Witchcraft Act makes a vain attempt to regulate witchcraft rather than outright outlaw it. If someone attempts to use charms or “witch medicine” to “cause fear, annoyance, or injury to another in mind, person, or property,” they could face punishment. It appears that you are safe if you are not utilizing it for any of them.

46. It is illegal to slaughter an animal in front of another to be slaughtered

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To kill an animal while another is in the process of being killed is illegal. It’s oddly explicit about that and makes no allowance for the possibility that the second animal won’t be put to death. It is also one of the rare legal offenses for which there is no internal defense. There are three options presented in the previous section on harsh slaughtering: religion, a location other than a slaughterhouse, or if it was for private consumption.

47. It is illegal to walk around broke

The Vagrancy Act, which was introduced in 1968 and was abolished in 1997, had a broad definition of what constituted a vagabond. Anyone without a legal job or legal means of subsistence, according to the statement. The sentence continues by identifying prostitution as an illegal occupation. The definition of a vagrant is expanded upon in the next sections to include people without a fixed residence, without a job, and without a reliable source of income.

48. It is illegal to share a room with persons of the opposite danger

As it were, there are only husbands and fiancées in the traditional part of Morocco, not boyfriends. Searching for suitable metal engagement rings to assist that act is the initial step in Morocco. Even if you don’t think marriage should exist, take care to avoid getting arrested.

Find out more about the 15 strange laws you should be aware of in India 

49. It is illegal to whistle in Petrolia

Photo by Jakob Braun on Unsplash

A bylaw in the Ontario town of Petrolia forbade whistling and singing in public at all times. The goal of this strange law was to preserve tranquility in the community. It’s unclear how strictly this bylaw was applied, though. Although it might appear innocuous, singing or whistling in the street in Petrolia could have gotten you into trouble with the law.

50. It is illegal to paint your garage doors purple

Prior to Kanata, Ontario, becoming a part of Ottawa, painting your garage door purple was against the law. In order to maintain a consistent appearance in residential areas, the community’s design requirements included the creation of this unique law. Residents of Kanata must go with a different color for their garage doors.

51. It is illegal to attach coins to a strings

Photo by Josh Appel on Unsplash

Attaching a coin to a string in order to use it in a vending machine is prohibited by the Canadian Criminal Code. This legislation was put into effect to stop fraud and safeguard companies against theft.

52. It is illegal to sell paint to minors

A bylaw in the city of London, Ontario, forbids the sale of spray paint to anybody under the age of 18. The purpose of this law is to stop vandalism and graffiti. Property damage and expensive clean-ups for the city might occur from vandalism.

53. Begging for money is illegal 

A violation of the Misdemeanor Law is “begging” or encouraging others to “beg.” A person who begs for money or products on the Internet may be penalized under the Misdemeanor Law as a “beggar.” In reality, Kagawa Prefecture prosecutors sent a jobless man to court in 2015 for “distributing begging” on the internet.

54. Obstruction of a funeral is a crime

Photo by Rhodi Lopez on Unsplash

It is unlawful to interfere with a sermon, church event, or funeral. Only three types of events are targeted by the crime: sermons, worship sessions, and funerals. Obstructing a wedding is not the same as interfering with a speech. One is guilty of obstructing business if it is determined that they have interfered with a wedding hall’s business.

55. It is illegal to open a letter sent to a family member

You could be prosecuted with opening a letter if you unreasonably open a sealed letter sent to someone else, especially a family member. This is in accordance with Criminal Code Article 133. This is subject to a fine or a maximum one-year sentence in jail. In addition to letters, this category includes bills and other similar documents.

56. Dueling in Japan is prohibited

The law forbids dueling. A duel takes place when at least two parties agree on a date, time, location, strategy, and set of rules to settle a disagreement through physical harm or even death. The mere demand for a duel is punishable, regardless of whether one actually takes place.

57. You can only fly a drone if you have permission

Unless you have explicit permission from the Egyptian Civil Aviation Authority, you unfortunately won’t be able to get those sweet aerial views of the Pyramids. It’s a bummer, but oh well. It’s also probably a good idea to leave your drone at home completely because there have been numerous reported incidents of drones being seized at Cairo Airport.

58. It is illegal to bring some drugs into Egypt

Although tramadol is allowed in the UK, it is illegal in Egypt because so many individuals misuse it as a heroin alternative. Make sure not to bring in a big quantity of any prescription prescriptions you must bring into the nation, and obtain a medical certificate from your doctor, if necessary.

59. It is illegal to drink during Islamic holidays

The city’s eateries and bars go dry during the whole month of Ramadan and a few other days of the year. This implies that they are not permitted to serve alcohol to anyone, including visitors. Even retail establishments are closed throughout Ramadan. Alcohol is typically prohibited on single days for a full 24 hours, from sunset to sunset.

60. It is illegal to swear on the highway

As stated under Section 13-53 of the municipal code for the city of Rockville, “A person may not profanely curse and swear or use obscene language along or near any roadway, sidewalk, or highway within the hearing of individuals moving by, upon, or along such street, sidewalk, or highway.” If this regulation is broken, the offender faces a misdemeanor charge and a fine or a jail term. 

61. It is illegal to play the ‘Star-spangled banner’

In the City of Baltimore, “The Star-Spangled Banner” may not be played, sung, or performed in any public setting. This is unless it is performed as an entirely original composition or number, free of any other melodic embellishments. Usage in medleys is forbidden. “The Star-Spangled Banner” or any portion of it may not be used as a component of any medley.

62. Scrubbing sinks is illegal in Maryland

Photo by Sanibell BV on Unsplash

No matter how filthy they become, washing or cleaning sinks is prohibited in Baltimore. You have every right to turn on those dirty faucets as long as you don’t engage in any of that scrubbing foolishness if you strictly adhere to local laws. One of the most unsanitary laws on the books is undoubtedly this one.

63. It is illegal to sell condoms from vending machines 

With one exception, selling condoms from vending machines is against the law. Only “in establishments where alcoholic beverages are sold for use on the premises” may prophylactics be purchased from a vending machine.

64. It is illegal to keep more than four dogs

Photo by Alvan Nee on Unsplash

In New York City, it is against the law to own and live with more than four dogs in a residential area. According to Section 161.01 of the New York City Health Code, violating this law can result in fines and seizure of the extra dogs.

Dogs are very wild and they do demand a lot in their care and wellbeing. It  is assumed therefore that it is impossible to sustain four dogs or more in a residential area which often has a relatively small space. Residential areas are designed in such a manner that accommodates human beings only primarily.

65. It is illegal to jump off a building in New York

Section 385 of the New York Penal Law states that it is illegal to jump off a building. A person who jumps or causes another person to jump off a building is likely to face jail time or hefty fines. Jumping off a building is likely to cause bodily injuries. The state always has the mandate to ensure that all citizens are safe and secure. Primarily, the life of a citizen belongs to the state. 

66. It is illegal to keep elephants in a bathtub

It is against the law to keep an elephant tied to a telephone pole or street lamp. Further, it is illegal to confine them in a bathtub as per Section 17-331.1 of the New York City Health Code. The aim of this law is to avoid  mistreatment of animals and ensure citizens are safe. Wild animals are called wild animals for a reason. They may turn against you and hurt you.

Check out these 15 craziest laws you will find in Dubai

67. It is illegal to ride on the roof of the car

It is illegal to ride on the roof of a car in New York. This is outlined in Section 1229-c of the New York Vehicle and Traffic Law. This includes sitting or standing on the roof of a moving vehicle. Sitting or standing on a vehicle can lead to death since it is so easy to fall off. Further it can distract other drivers from focusing on the road even as they drive.

68. It is illegal to take a selfie with a tiger

As per New York’s Wildlife Conservation Law, it is illegal to pose for a photo while holding a big cat. The list of big cats includes tigers, cheetahs and lions. It is illegal to hold them and take photos even in a  zoo or a private facility. This law aims to prevent the mistreatment of exotic animals. It also seeks to protect citizens since these animals are not the friendliest.

69. It is illegal to frown at a police officers

Generally, it is a good idea to be respectful to law enforcement officers. In New York however, it is actually illegal to frown at a police officer. Maybe this is in an effort to maintain the good face of the law enforcement community. It never harmed anyone to maintain a straight face anyway.

70. It is illegal to walk with ice cream in your pockets


The law dates back to the early 1900s. This was during the period when the common form of transportation was using horses. Thieves formulated a method of stealing horses whereby they put ice cream cones in their back pockets. Horses would then follow them being interested in the ice cream. The law was thereby enacted to prevent horse theft.

These weird laws provide fascinating hints about the social and political structure of different countries. While some of these rules can seem odd in the modern world, they actually represent historical events and cultural norms. Investigating these laws not only piques our interest, but also serves as a reminder of the complex human social fabric. It also points out the dynamic nature of legal systems.

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