20 Surprising Facts About Keita Machida


Keita Machida born on the 4th of July 1990 is a Japanese actor and a member of the theater group Gekidan Exile. The enigmatic chameleon of Japanese acting as he is often referred to loves diving into different roles, from stoic samurai in historical dramas to the edgy villain in that crazy Netflix show, “Alice in Borderland.” You might even recognize him from the group Generations from Exile Tribe for a hot minute, but acting is where his heart truly lies.

But trust me, there’s more to him than just good looks, he is a black belt in Judo and Kendo, a total music geek who secretly strums the guitar, and an advocate for dyslexia awareness.He is also a sucker for classic films, handwritten notes, and exploring new cultures (which usually involves getting lost in some random city and charming the locals with his terrible jokes). Let me take you through some of the most surprising facts about him:

1. Machida holds black belts in both Judo and Kendo

One of the most surprising facts about him is that Keita Machida is a martial arts master known for his exceptional skills in Judo and Kendo, where he holds black belts in both disciplines. In Judo, Machida has attained a high level of proficiency in using throws and grappling techniques. This martial art emphasizes using an opponent’s strength against them, focusing on skill and leverage rather than brute force.

His black belt in Judo reflects his mastery and years of training in this discipline. Similarly, Kendo, a Japanese martial art involving swordsmanship, demonstrates Machida’s expertise in handling bamboo swords. It emphasizes discipline, focus, and the development of mental agility alongside physical techniques. Achieving a black belt in Kendo requires significant dedication, understanding, and skill in mastering the art of sword fighting.

2. He is multi-talented

警察庁ホームページ, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Apart from being a well known actor, Machida is an established multi-talented young star and has ventured into various careers. After finishing junior high, he pursued his passion for vehicles and dreams of becoming a pilot by enrolling at Japan Aviation High School in Ishikawa. During high school, he discovered another interest—dancing. He joined a dance club and eventually became its captain, showcasing his leadership skills and dedication to dance.

Moreover, Machida attended EXPG Tokyo, a talent school managed by LDH, where he honed his performing arts skills and likely expanded his knowledge of various dance styles and entertainment.Machida’s journey from a young age shows his diverse interests and commitment to exploring different passions, from martial arts and aviation to dance and performing arts. His experiences at EXPG Tokyo likely contributed to shaping his talents and preparing him for future endeavors in the entertainment industry.

3. Keita Machida is also a food enthusiast

MichaelMaggs, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Another surprising fact about him is that, Keita Machida, despite his charming smile, is a serious food enthusiast. He adores discovering various cuisines and enjoys exploring different flavors. Beyond savoring diverse dishes, he’s also quite skilled in cooking at home, often impressing his friends with his culinary expertise. Machida’s passion for food extends beyond just enjoying meals; he actively seeks out new tastes and cooking techniques. His love for diverse cuisines might lead him to explore various restaurants or try cooking different dishes from around the world.

Not only does he appreciate the art of food, but he also enjoys the hands-on experience of creating delicious meals for others. Despite his accomplishments in other areas, Machida’s love for food and culinary exploration showcases his multifaceted interests and his desire to share enjoyable experiences, whether through trying new flavors or showcasing his own culinary creations to delight his friends.

4. He also holds a secret passion for music

Keita Machida, primarily known for his acting pursuits, holds a secret passion for music. He has a talent for playing the guitar and piano, demonstrating his musical skills beyond his acting career. Moreover, Machida writes his own songs, showcasing his creativity and deeper connection with music. Despite his focus on acting, music holds a special place in Machida’s heart. He occasionally indulges in private jam sessions, where he serenades close friends with his compositions.

These intimate gatherings allow him to share his musical talent and express his feelings through melodies and lyrics. His love for music reveals a different side of Machida’s artistic versatility, demonstrating his ability to express emotions not only through acting but also through the harmonies and rhythms he creates. It reflects his dedication to exploring various forms of art and his desire to connect with others through his music.

5. Unlike many actors known for late-night schedules, Machida is an early bird

警察庁ホームページ, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Another suprising fact about him is that, Keita Machida breaks the actor stereotype by being an early riser. He loves waking up early and finds his energy in the quiet hours of the morning. Instead of staying up late, he embraces the early daylight hours. During these peaceful mornings, Machida focuses on activities that recharge him. He begins with meditation, allowing himself a moment of calm and clarity. Then, he engages in exercise, which helps him stay fit and energized.

What makes Machida stand out is how he uses this quiet time to plan his day meticulously. With a laser-like focus, he organizes his schedule and sets his goals for the day ahead. This routine helps him start his day feeling refreshed, centered, and ready to tackle whatever comes his way. Machida’s preference for early mornings shows his disciplined approach to maximizing productivity and finding balance in his busy life as an actor.

6. Machida is also renowned for his passion for cleanliness and orderliness

Keita Machida is renowned for his passion for cleanliness and orderliness. His apartment is always impeccably clean, reflecting his dedication to a tidy environment. Machida takes great care in maintaining a spotless living space, where everything has its designated place. Moreover, his penchant for organization extends to his professional life. Machida meticulously organizes his belongings and scripts, following a strict routine to keep everything in order.

This disciplined approach ensures that he can easily access his scripts and materials when needed and helps him stay focused and efficient in his work. Machida’s commitment to cleanliness and organization not only reflects his attention to detail but also signifies his disciplined nature. This trait likely contributes to his ability to stay focused and excel in his career, showcasing a balance between his personal habits and professional success.

7. Machida has a soft spot for animals, especially dogs

Hisakuni Fujimoto, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Another surprising fact about him is that, Machida has a soft spot for animals, especially dogs. Keita Machida’s affection for animals, particularly dogs, shines brightly in his life. He holds a special place in his heart for our furry friends and expresses this love through his actions. Machida generously volunteers his time at animal shelters, dedicating himself to the well-being of these creatures in need. Beyond volunteering, Machida goes the extra mile by fostering rescue pups.

He opens his home to these dogs, providing them with temporary shelter, care, and, most importantly, love. His nurturing environment offers these pups a safe haven where they can thrive until they find their forever homes. Keita Machida’s devotion to animal welfare illuminates his compassionate nature. Through volunteering at shelters and fostering rescue pups, he not only offers temporary homes but also advocates for their well-being, inspiring others to join his noble cause.

8. He also passionately champions dyslexia awareness

New York Senate Photo, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Another surprising fact about him is that he passionately champions for dyslexia awareness. Keita Machida faced hurdles with dyslexia during his childhood. Despite these learning challenges, his determination propelled him to overcome them. Now, Machida passionately champions dyslexia awareness, sharing his story to inspire others to embrace their unique learning styles. His personal journey resonates with many, serving as a beacon of hope for those navigating similar struggles.

Machida’s advocacy highlights the importance of understanding and supporting individuals with dyslexia, fostering a more inclusive environment that celebrates diverse learning abilities. By openly discussing his own experiences, Machida encourages individuals facing similar difficulties to embrace their strengths and persevere through challenges. His advocacy not only raises awareness but also instills confidence and motivation in others, emphasizing that overcoming obstacles is possible with determination and support.

9. Machida quietly supports several charities

Keita Machida, amidst his busy life, engages in discreet yet impactful charity work. He silently stands behind various charities that prioritize children’s education and environmental preservation. His support goes beyond monetary donations, as he generously contributes his time and resources to these causes. Machida’s commitment to supporting children’s education underscores his belief in empowering future generations.

Additionally, his dedication to environmental conservation showcases his concern for the planet’s well-being. Choosing to remain low-key about his philanthropic endeavors, Machida’s altruism exemplifies a genuine desire to make a meaningful difference. His quiet yet impactful contributions to these causes demonstrate his heartfelt commitment to creating a positive impact on society, children’s futures, and the environment.

10. He researches historical figures and adopts their mannerisms for months before filming begins

Brooklyn Museum, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Keita Machida takes his acting craft seriously by adopting a methodical approach. He fully immerses himself in his roles, dedicating significant time to thorough research and preparation. Before filming starts, Machida delves deep into the characters he portrays, sometimes spending months studying historical figures or individuals he’s portraying on screen. His commitment goes beyond simply memorizing lines;

Machida aims to embody the essence of the characters. He invests time in understanding their personalities, motivations, and mannerisms. This involves extensive research, observing their behavior, and even adopting their unique traits or gestures. By immersing himself in this way, Machida brings authenticity and depth to his performances. His dedication to understanding the characters on a profound level allows him to portray them convincingly on screen.

11. Machida performs many of his own stunts

HendrixHammer, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Another surprising fact about him is that, Machida performs many of his own stunts. Keita Machida might not have a bulky physique, but he’s a surprise package when it comes to action scenes. Despite his slender build, he fearlessly performs numerous stunts in his roles, challenging his physical boundaries and bringing a genuine touch to the action on screen. Machida’s dedication to doing his stunts lends an extra layer of authenticity to his performances.

Instead of relying solely on stunt doubles, he steps up to the plate, displaying agility, skill, and courage in executing action sequences. His involvement in these stunts isn’t just about adding thrill; it’s a testament to his commitment to his craft. Machida’s hands-on approach to these intense scenes demonstrates his dedication to delivering top-notch performances. By personally performing these stunts, he immerses himself fully in the character and ensures that the action feels real and engaging for the audience.

12. He is also a script writer

警察庁ホームページ, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Keita Machida’s creative pursuits extend beyond acting as he ventures into the realm of scriptwriting. Alongside his on-screen endeavors, Machida explores the art of storytelling through crafting scripts for short films, showcasing his versatility and passion for narrative creation. His venture into scriptwriting unveils a different facet of his artistic expression. Machida’s interest in penning stories allows him to delve deeper into diverse storytelling techniques, fostering engagement and emotional resonance through his imaginative narratives.

This involvement in scriptwriting signifies Machida’s commitment to expanding his contribution to the entertainment industry. It reflects his aspiration to be not just a performer but also a storyteller, shaping compelling tales behind the scenes. Through his scripts, Machida aspires to evoke emotions, provoke thoughts, and captivate audiences, extending his impact beyond the screen. His dedication to exploring multiple facets of storytelling highlights his versatility and commitment to creative expression.

13. Machida loves classic films and literature

Another surprising fact about Keita Machida is that he possesses a profound fondness for classic films and literature, showcasing an “old soul” appreciation for the timeless art forms of yesteryears. He finds joy and inspiration in immersing himself in the storytelling and aesthetics of vintage cinema and literary masterpieces. Moreover, Machida cherishes spending time with older generations, valuing their wisdom and unique life experiences.

Engaging with seniors allows him to glean insights, understand different perspectives, and learn from their rich histories. This affinity for connecting with older individuals reflects his genuine interest in understanding the past and appreciating the diverse perspectives that come with age and life experiences. Machida’s appreciation for classic films, literature, and the wisdom of older generations showcases a reverence for the past and a desire to learn from it.

14. He is also a technophobe

警察庁ホームページ, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Keita Machida stands out because he isn’t really into using technology, in fact he is technophobe and instead, he treasures traditional ways of connecting with people. Machida values talking with others in person, feeling that it creates stronger bonds and genuine connections. When it comes to staying in touch, Machida opts for handwritten notes rather than using social media or digital messages. He finds something special in writing by hand, believing it adds a personal touch that digital communication can’t quite capture.

By favoring face-to-face conversations and handwritten notes, Machida shows a deep appreciation for meaningful interactions. In a world where technology often takes center stage, his choice to rely on more personal and traditional methods of communication reflects his desire for sincerity and authenticity in his relationships. Machida’s preference for less technology and more personal interaction reveals his genuine and heartfelt approach to connecting with others, emphasizing the value he places on building real, face-to-face connections in a digitally-driven era.

15. Machida embraces diversity and travel whenever possible

Hokachung, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Keita Machida has a remarkable appreciation for diversity and an insatiable curiosity for the world. He actively seeks opportunities to travel, eager to explore various cultures and connect with people from different backgrounds. Machida believes in the power of these experiences to broaden his perspective and enrich his life. During his travels, Machida immerses himself in local cultures, making an effort to learn new languages along the way.

He values this as a way to communicate more authentically and connect on a deeper level with the people he meets. Machida’s openness to learning languages showcases his respect for diverse cultures and his desire to engage more profoundly with others. His passion for embracing diversity isn’t just limited to language; Machida actively seeks to understand different customs, traditions, and viewpoints.

16. He has great Hollywood ambitions

Keita Machida holds a deep affection for his work in Japan but nurtures a grand aspiration: to step onto the global stage of Hollywood. His dream extends beyond borders, aiming to showcase his talent on an international platform. Despite finding fulfillment in his Japanese projects, Machida’s Hollywood ambitions reflect his desire to explore new opportunities and reach a wider audience. He envisions a future where he can contribute his skills and artistry to the diverse landscape of the global entertainment industry.

Machida’s Hollywood aspirations signify his eagerness to challenge himself and expand his horizons as an actor. His dream isn’t merely about fame or recognition; it’s about pushing boundaries, embracing new experiences, and sharing his talent with a broader audience on a worldwide scale. While cherishing his work in Japan, Machida’s Hollywood aspirations demonstrate his ambition, determination, and willingness to embark on a new chapter in his career.

17. Machida is determined to break free from being labeled or limited to one type of role

Keita Machida is determined to break free from being labeled or limited to one type of role. He eagerly seeks diverse characters that challenge him as an actor. Machida dreams of embracing a variety of genres, ranging from serious historical dramas that demand depth and emotion to light-hearted romantic comedies and high-octane action thrillers. His goal to avoid typecasting showcases his passion for exploring different sides of acting.

Machida’s hunger for roles that push his boundaries underlines his desire to prove his versatility, showcasing his ability to transform into various characters across a wide spectrum of stories. By aiming for a broad range of roles, Machida hopes to demonstrate his adaptability and skillfulness as an actor. His determination to explore diverse genres represents his dedication to growth, as he aspires to challenge himself with characters that not only showcase his talent but also leave a lasting impact on audiences across different types of movies.

18. He also has directing aspirations

警察庁ホームページ, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Keita Machida’s ambitions stretch beyond acting; he dreams of stepping into the director’s shoes to helm his own film. This aspiration reflects his desire to share his unique vision and storytelling abilities from behind the camera. While he thrives as an actor, Machida seeks to expand his creative horizons by taking on the role of a director. His longing to direct showcases a deeper desire to shape narratives and bring his imaginative ideas to life in the world of filmmaking.

Machida’s aspiration to direct signifies his quest for creative control and a deeper involvement in the storytelling process. By venturing into directing, he aims to blend his artistic talents with his vision, crafting films that resonate with audiences and reflect his distinct perspective. Machida envisions a future where he can express his creativity not only through acting but also through the directorial lens, imprinting his unique mark on the film industry with his storytelling prowess.

19. He has made an unexpected cameos in popular music videos and commercials

Keita Machida’s musical abilities might not be widely known, but he’s made musical contributions that hint at his talent. He’s collaborated with Japanese singers, appearing in their music videos and contributing his voice to anime soundtracks. Despite not being in the spotlight as a musician, these collaborations showcase his musical interests and capabilities. Moreover, Machida loves surprising his audience with unexpected appearances.

You might catch him in a surprise cameo role in popular music videos or even commercials! He enjoys venturing beyond his usual acting roles, embracing new experiences, and stepping out of his comfort zone. While primarily known for his acting, these endeavors showcase his diverse interests and the joy he finds in taking on fresh and unexpected challenges within the entertainment industry.

20. He is also multilingual

警察庁ホームページ, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Last but not least Keita Machida is multilingual having been born and raised in Japan, he is able to speak fluent Japanese as his mother tongue and has gone on to be fluent in English, French, and even having a grasp of Mandarin. His linguistic talents extend beyond mere communication, often delighting fans by surprising them with unexpected greetings in their native languages. This knack for effortlessly speaking in different tongues leaves his admirers both charmed and a little amazed by his linguistic skills.

Machida’s ability to fluently speak multiple languages showcases his dedication to learning and his genuine interest in connecting with people from diverse backgrounds. His talent for greeting fans in their native languages adds a personal touch, creating memorable and endearing interactions that resonate with audiences worldwide. His penchant for surprising fans with unexpected multilingual greetings reflects his warmth, respect, and eagerness to connect with admirers on a deeper and more personal level.

In conclusion, Keita Machida embodies a rare blend of talent, versatility, and genuine warmth. His journey as an actor, coupled with his diverse interests and passions, showcases a multifaceted individual committed to pushing boundaries and exploring various aspects of the entertainment industry.

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