Photo by David Edkins on Unsplash

Top 10 Remarkable Facts about Dubrovnik Old Town


Dubrovnik city is located on the Adriatic Sea in the Dalmatia region, in the southeastern semi-exclave of Croatia. The city provides immense tourist destination for both local and international tourists.

UNESCO has listed Dubrovnik City as a world heritage site. The prosperity of the city was historically based on the maritime trade. From the trade, the city has achieved a high level of development, particularly during the 15th and 16th century.

The city also housed the world’s first orphanage and pharmacy. The Franciscan Monastery pharmacy is regarded as being among one of the oldest pharmacies in Europe. In 1434, the first orphanage was opened in Dubrovnik and was the first ever institution of its kind in the world.

1.Dubrovnik`s history dates back to the 15th and 16th centuries

Cultural heritage in Croatia, photo by Zysko serhii, Wikimedia commons

The history of Dubrovnik dates back history even prior to Croatia gaining independence from the old Yugoslavia. The city held huge significance during that period. The walls in the city were built centuries ago to offer protection for the city.

Although some work has naturally occurred during those intervening years, the integrity of the structures has stood strong for well over 700 years. This makes them one of the oldest defensive structures in all of mainland Europe.

2. The walls of the City have survived the test of nature

City wall in the Old Town of Dubrovnik, Croatia, photo by dronepicr. Wikimedia commons

The walls of the city were initially built for the protection of the city. However they have served for other purposes other than that. The walls have faced their fair share of tests from natural disaster.

An example is the earthquake the city survived back in 1667. There has been other issue, albeit usually on a smaller scale, yet the structures still remain as strong as ever.

4.Dubrovnik is one of the leading tourist attraction in the Mediterranean sea

The city and its walls have been an attraction site for tourist. Back in 2017, the city and its walls attracted over 1.2 million visitors. It automatically makes it one of a popular attraction site in Croatia.

The steadiness of the walls has resulted in the mayor proposing to limit admissions into the walls to just 4,000, half the figure advised by UNESCO. The only major limitation to the tourist site is that there are no flights to Dubrovnik during the winter.

5.The popular show, Game of Thrones was shot in the location

Photo by Reiseuhu on Unsplash

Dubrovnik has been one of the region’s hottest travel destinations since even before Croatia gained its independence. The city however has gained more attraction since the popular HBO show, Game of Thrones was shot there.

The show is an adaptation of A song of Ice and Fire, a series of fantasy novels by George R. R Martin. The show was shot in the United Kingdom, Canada, Croatia, Iceland, Malta, Morocco and Spain.

For that reason fans from all over have travelled to Croatia to gain a connection with their favourite show.  Little efforts have been made to promote the area as a tourist spot in the country.

6.The walls of the city are symbols of Croatia’s Independence

The initial reason for the building of the walls was to offer protection to the city. It is evident that the walls had served their purpose by the time the country gained independence.  Dubrovnik city walls had offered the city protection over many centuries.

The walls served their purpose during the most recent attack, shelling. The Yugoslavian troops withdrew from the city after the city had been in siege for about eight months.

The surrender of the troops was symbolic to Croatia`s independence. The city walls therefore served an integral part in the state independence.

7.The town is one of the oldest World Heritage sites

Croatia has been recognized by UNESO as on the top ten Worlds Heritage sites. The city`s walls have been characterized as cultural sites. However, the walls were actually one of the first three Croatian sites to be awarded this honourable accolade.

There are now over 1500 sites on the UNESCO list, but the fact the Dubrovnik and the City Walls were one of the first 100 adds another sense of je ne sais quoi. Other than just the city walls, there are other historical sites in the list.

The Plitvice Lakes National Pak, Split, Porec, Trogir, Cathedral of Saint James, Stari Grad Plain, Stecci Medieval Graveyards, The Venetian Works in Zadar, and Primeval Beech Forests are also listed under UNESCO as historic sites in Croatia.

8.The city is home to the world`s oldest pharmacy

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

The longest operating pharmacy is located inside Dubrovnik City. The pharmacy was first founded back in 1317. At that moment monks offered herbal remedies to the locals.

The Franciscan Monastery pharmacy is regarded as being among one of the oldest pharmacies in Europe. The pharmacy stands right next to the Baroque church among the arches of the atrium of the Monastery.

The pharmacy still remains in function till today. It still offers a wide variety of treatment options to its residents.

9.The city is also home to the world`s oldest orphanage

Photo by imdadul hussain on Unsplash

In 1434, the first orphanage was opened in Dubrovnik. This was the first ever institution of its kind in the world. At that time the government was way ahead in matters regarding protection children’s rights.

The orphanage was located in the heart of the city opposite the Franciscan Monastery. Its remnants can still be seen today in the city. Centuries ago the orphanage would only house children until they attained the age of six years when they were then give out for adoption or their parents would take them back.

10.Dubrovnik City was initially known as Ragusa

The city`s origins date back to the 7th century. The initial inhabitants of the city were refugees from Epidaurum and the city was originally named Ragusa. The prosperity of the city can be attributed to the maritime trade in the area.

The precise location of the city greatly enabled the growth of the city. The city has also grown due to the immense historical sites it provides to both local and international tourists.

Dubrovnik city hold immense history for the state. The city has also been listed as being among the top ten Worlds Heritage sites. The city`s walls have been survived the test of time and are still characterized as cultural sites.







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