The Power of Magnesium: 10 Facts That Will Amaze You


Apart from being a naturally occurring mineral on the earth’s surface, magnesium is also an important nutrient for human bodies which is frequently disregarded. However, the mineral has several characteristics and advantages that most people don t know about. Having the right knowledge about this mineral would enlighten and help you to understand its significance, adaptability, and truths about it. Magnesium is a nutritional powerhouse that needs credit for having multiple functions that people cannot survive without, including energy production, impact on muscular function, and influence on general well-being. An ordinary human body uses magnesium in over 300 metabolic processes which is not an optional process in humans. Did you know that magnesium is essential for preserving bone strength and heart health? That is just how magnesium is necessary for human bodies.  In addition, there are several other functions of this mineral such as reducing stress, enhancing the quality of sleep, and encouraging relaxation. We can have a deeper understanding of magnesium by looking at some of the amazing facts about the mineral that we might not know yet.

The following are some of the 10 facts about magnesium that will amaze you:

1. Magnesium is Among the Top Ten Most Abundant Elements in the World

Photo by Dulcey Lima on Unsplash

Magnesium is abundant throughout the universe, appearing on every surface including the earth’s crust, and in the sea. The mineral is also found in plants and animals and is consumed by humans. Magnesium takes up a total of slightly more than two percent of the earth’s surface. Further research has revealed that more magnesium is present in the deeper crust, which would be more than ten percent of the earth’s surface. There is also magnesium in water. Almost a percentage of the seawater is magnesium.

Also see: Top 15 Facts about Minerals

2. Unlike Other Minerals, Magnesium does not Exist on its own in Every Environment

Despite existing abundantly on the earth and in water, magnesium does not exist independently like other elements such as calcium or carbon. The element combines with another element that aids its existence in its respective environment. For example, magnesium on the earth’s surface exists as a compound of magnesium carbonate or magnesium sulfate in places where Sulphur is plenty. There is also magnesium chloride that exists in water.

3. Discovering Magnesium Opened an Avenue for Humans to Explore Space

Photo by NASA on Unsplash

Since magnesium existed as a compound element, scientists had to find a way to separate the pure element. There were attempts in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries to generate pure magnesium but only a small quantity was obtained. However, the electrolysis process was developed in the twentieth century where large amounts of magnesium were processed in industrial production. Pure magnesium is one of the lightest metals on earth. The metal has been used in the aviation industry to make airplanes and spaceships that have enabled traveling to space.

4. There Are Millions of Magnesium Ions in the Human Body 

Magnesium plays a necessary role in the human body including chemical reactions that are performed by body enzymes. Therefore the mineral is found in every body cell for that role. The bones have the highest percentage of magnesium in the human body, followed by muscles and soft tissues which have a small percentage. Magnesium is an electrocute in the human body when dissolved.

5. Magnesium has a History as a Medicinal Mineral in the Ancient World

The ancient Greek tribe called Magnetes discovered and named magnesium from their name. Magnesium carbonate was used by ancient people to treat several types of diseases. Magnesium-rich water was used as medicine and even some people would drink the water to treat themselves.

6. China Is the Largest Producer of Magnesium in the World

CSIRO, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Although magnesium exists anywhere on earth, china seems to be ahead of everyone supplying more than eighty percent across the world. The extremely high numbers make China a monopoly in the global market.

7. Magnesium is involved in more than three hundred Chemical Reactions in the Body

The human body has plenty of magnesium in the bones, tissues, and muscles that aid in more than three hundred chemical reactions. The presence of the mineral in every human body cell is responsible for energy production, protein formation, muscle movement, and maintaining nerve functions among other uses. Human heartbeats are regular and steady because of magnesium in the body.

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8. Different Compounds of Magnesium Have Different Properties

Different forms of magnesium exhibit unique qualities that help them perform distinct functions. Some of the example are magnesium citrate which is a highly bioavailable type of magnesium salt. There is also magnesium oxide which is used to correct heartburn and constipation. Magnesium taurate has a cooling effect and provides an extremely relaxing state when ingested.

9. Magnesium Produces a Very Bright Light that is White in Color When Burning

Magnesium is one of the elements that are used in making fireworks. Every element produces a different type of fire when burnt. Magnesium is responsible for the bright light color.

10. Magnesium Ions Taste Sour When Dissolved and Gently Tasted

Magnesium is one of the salts that are consumed through water. A small amount of magnesium can help change the flavor of mineral water instantly.

The astounding facts about the mineral magnesium explain how human bodies need this mineral in our bodies. Magnesium has several functions that cannot be ignored by our bodies. From helping to relax the body to energy production, and helping enzymes work properly. Knowing how important is helps us prioritize including it in our meals and, if required, think about taking supplements. Our lives depend on magnesium because it helps maintain the human heartbeat. The complicated links between nutrition and our bodies are brought to mind by this amazing mineral.

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