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15 Cute Facts About Rabbits   


The world’s most famous rabbit is the Warner Bros’ cartoon character, Bugs Bunny, who is always munching on a carrot. The cartoon has influenced the world to think of rabbits as carrot-loving creatures.

While rabbits do not care for carrots as much as we think they do, bunnies are among the most adorable animals to have as pets. The fluffy tails, twitching noses, and floppy ears are hard to ignore and so it’s easy to fall in love with these cuddly creatures.  

Small as they are, these herbivorous mammals are prey animals. They belong to the Leporidae family and are found all over the world in more than 30 different species which include domesticated breeds.

Rabbits come in many different sizes, colors, and shapes, plus unique characteristics that most people don’t know about. Let’s learn more here with these 15 cute facts about rabbits.   

1. Rabbits Are Born With Their Eyes Shut

Newborn rabbits are called kits. Kits are born in litters of 4-12, depending on the breed and size of the mother rabbit. Baby rabbits are born blind, deaf, and hairless, with closed eyes and ears.

At birth, they weigh only a few ounces and are completely dependent on the mother for food and warmth. The kits open their eyes 10 to 14 days after birth, but their fur begins to grow at around 7-10 days.

Another interesting fact about the eyes is that they have a third eyelid called a nictitating membrane that is located in the inner corner of the eye. It is usually drawn across the eye to protect and moisten it, plus it helps in removing particles from the surface of the eye.

2. Rabbits Have A Blind Spot Infront Of Their Nose 

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Rabbits’ eyes are positioned on the sides of their head, giving them nearly 360-degree vision. These cute creatures can see all around without moving their head, which helps them detect predators and other potential threats in all directions even while they are facing away.

Rabbits also can rotate their heads nearly 360 degrees, but they have a small blind spot directly in front of their nose. They have a unique way of moving their head very fast to compensate for the blind spot.

These adorable creatures cant easily focus on objects directly in front of them and so they sniff and nudge objects, trying to investigate rather than fully rely on their vision.

3. They Have Sharp Ears

Rabbits have long sharply pointed ears that are very sensitive to sound. These oversized ears also have the extra role of cooling rabbits down on a hot day. They can turn each ear independently for up to 270 degrees, and this rotation helps in pinpointing the exact direction of a sound with incredible accuracy.

Rabbits can hear sounds that humans can’t and the sharp ears are a crucial adaptation that helps these prey animals survive in their natural environment because they are very alert and can easily avoid predators.

4. Rabbits Are Very Fast Animals

Rabbits are very fast animals that can run up to 45 miles(72 kilometers) per hour. The speed helps them evade danger and escape from predators. Not all rabbits are fast. Different breeds have different levels of speed plus factors like age, health, and fitness also affect an individual rabbit’s speed.

With lightweight bodies, powerful hind legs, and a highly efficient cardiovascular system, these cute creatures move quickly and change direction easily plus they can sustain their speed over longer distances.

5. Rabbits Are Social Animals

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Rabbits are generally social animals and enjoy the company of other rabbits. Some are more sociable than others depending on their breed, age, and personality. Most of these creatures thrive on interaction with other rabbits, and isolating them makes them depressed and anxious.

In the wild, rabbits live in groups called colonies or warrens. The community shares duties such as grooming, feeding, and keeping watch for predators. They love being around other rabbits.

Read amazing facts about Bats here.

6. Their Teeth Never Stop Growing

Rabbits have two sets of teeth that grow continuously throughout their lives. They have four very sharp and strong incisors, two on the top and two on the bottom front of the mouth. These are used for biting off and cutting food. 

The next set is the molars which are the back of the mouth, and are used for grinding and chewing food. They have twelve of these, six on the upper jaw and six on the lower jaw.

To prevent these teeth from overgrowing, rabbits chew on hay and other fibrous foods to wear down the teeth naturally.  Overgrown teeth can cause pain, discomfort, and other health issues. 

7. Rabbits Can’t Vomit 

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Rabbits are physically incapable of vomiting because their digestive system can only allow food to move in one direction, from the esophagus to the stomach. The good thing is that a rabbit can detect a poisonous or toxic thing before eating it thus avoiding the need to vomit. 

While rabbits are not capable of vomiting, they have been known to choke, whether from eating their food too fast or from another health condition. If you see your rabbit spitting out, it is because they are choking. 

Other animals who do not throw up are rodents and horses.

8. Rabbits Eat Their Poop

Rabbits eat their poop and digest it a second time. This process is known as coprophagy and is almost the same as cows chewing their cud. Rabbits make two different kinds of droppings, the normal little black round ones and soft nutrient-rich black pellets called cecotropes and these are the ones they eat. 

Cecotropes are produced in the cecum, a specialized chamber in the rabbit’s digestive tract where bacteria break down food into essential nutrients that the rabbit can absorb. This is the least adorable rabbit behavior that is very essential for their health.

9. Carrots Are Not The Best For Them

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Root vegetables aren’t a natural part of a rabbit’s diet. Food high in fiber and low in fats and carbohydrates is what rabbits require and carrots are high in sugar and so they should be eaten in small amounts as treats. 

Carrot tops or greens are also harmful and should be eaten in moderation since they are high in oxalic acid, which can be harmful to rabbits if consumed in large quantities. Carrots can upset these small creatures’ stomachs if eaten in plenty, plus a diet too low in fiber can lead to digestive problems, such as diarrhea, bloating, and even death.

10. They Have A Strong Sense Of Smell

In addition to their good hearing and vision, rabbits’ have a high sense of smell that is more powerful than that of humans. The sense of smell is one of their most important senses, and it plays a crucial role in their survival and well-being.

As earlier stated, rabbits rarely ingest poisonous or toxic stuff, so when it comes to food, this sense of smell does help them a big deal. They rely on it to communicate, navigate their environment, find food, detect predators, and even locate potential mates.

11. Rabbits Reproduce Very Fast

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Ever heard the saying ‘breed like rabbits’? Well, rabbits are very effective baby-makers. A male rabbit is called a buck while a female is called a doe. The gestation period for a doe is between 28-31 days, giving birth to up to 14 baby rabbits, called kittens, in a single litter. They can give birth 7 or more times in a year and have a life span of around five or more years depending on the species

Doe’s have a divided uterus with two compartments which means they can give birth while pregnant with the next litter. They can conceive any time of the year because they ovulate in response to sexual stimulation from the Buck.

Read some cool facts about Opossums here.

12. They Make Complex Tunnels

Rabbits dig a lot and very fast. They use their powerful hind legs and sharp claws to create tunnels in the soil that can extend for several meters, providing them with protection from predators and shelter from extreme weather.

Interestingly, these tunnels often have several interconnected chambers for nesting, food storage, plus a bathroom area. Foxes and badgers usually take over abandoned rabbit burrows and use them as their own homes.

13. Like Cats, Rabbits Groom Themselves 

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Rabbits are clean and hygienic creatures that self-groom in much the same way that a cat does. They spend a significant amount of time cleaning themselves to keep their fur clean, remove loose hair, and distribute oils that keep their skin healthy. Regular grooming also helps to prevent hairballs, which can be dangerous for rabbits if they ingest too much fur. 

Rabbits also purr like cats which is also a sign that your rabbit is happy, content, and comfortable in their environment. They may purr when they are licking or grooming themselves.

14.  Rabbits Can Jump Very High

Jumping is a natural behavior for rabbits and an important part of their physical activity. Rabbits are known for their incredible ability to jump high and far, and they use this skill to navigate their environment, escape predators, and socialize with other rabbits.

Rabbits jump, twist, kick and spin mid-air in what is known as a binky to show happiness and excitement.

15. Rabbits Drink Plenty Of Water

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Water is essential for rabbits to maintain good health and hydration. Rabbits prefer water in a bowl and they should have access to clean and fresh water at all times. Water is very important because it helps in digestion and they drink more water during hot weather.

Signs of dehydration in rabbits include lethargy, dry mouth, and sunken eyes.

Read the top 10 things you should know about cancer and also check 10 facts about smoking.


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