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10 Fascinating Facts About Dreams


One of life’s most intriguing and mystifying experiences is dreaming. Dreams may be entertaining, thrilling, frightful, or just bizarre. Researchers have discovered a lot about what occurs during dreams, even though there is no universal agreement on why we dream

. A dream is a series of thoughts, feelings, pictures, and physical experiences that often happen uncontrollably in the mind during specific phases of sleep. Each night, people dream for roughly two hours. Each dream lasts between 5 to 20 minutes, however, the dreamer may feel like they last much longer.

Interestingly, as early as 3100 BC, when the Mesopotamian civilization first emerged, dreams were significant parts of people’s life. The significance of dreams was a major factor in most of this culture’s political decisions.

Remarkably, certain dreams from the Roman era were even brought before the Roman Senate for interpretation. These were believed to be divine messages. Military leaders were frequently accompanied by dream interpreters throughout wars and campaigns!

Since the majority of the information regarding dreams has been turned on its head and is now based on psychology, we still look for explanations for the significance of our vivid dreams today.

let’s learn more about the 10 Fascinating Facts About Dreams;

1. Lucid Dreaming is Real

The conscious awareness of one’s dreaming condition is known as lucid dreaming. The dreamer may frequently have some degree of influence over their activities inside the dream, as well as the actions of the dream’s characters and surroundings, during this condition.

Practicing purposeful lucid dreaming has been shown to increase dream control, although lucid dreams can be any dreams in which the dreamer is aware that they are dreaming, regardless of whether they can be controlled in any way.

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2. Dreams can be Symbolic

Subjective thoughts and experiences may influence dream interpretation. Some surveys indicated that most people feel that “their dreams disclose crucial hidden truths”.According to polls, people frequently believe their dreams foretell upcoming life events. The surveys also discovered that people place a higher value on dream content than on similarly focused mental processes that take place while they are awake.

These encounters have been described by psychologists in terms of memory biases, hence a selective memory for reliable estimates and a skewed memory such that dreams are retroactively fitted onto daily experiences.

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3. Dreams of Men and Women Differ

man dreaming about cowboys. Unknown author.WIKIMEDIA

Although everyone has different kinds of dreams, there are some fundamental distinctions between men’s and women’s typical dream themes. Men frequently dream about needing to be forceful, but women typically dream about difficult discussions or being rejected.

Moreover, women frequently experience dreams with significantly longer lengths and more characters. Guys fantasize about other males twice as frequently as they dream about women.

4. A Daydream is a Visionary Fantasy

Dreaming.Author THOR.WIKIMEDIA

A visionary imagination that is experienced while awake and typically involves positive, pleasant ideas, hopes, or aspirations is called a daydream. There are many distinct kinds of daydreams, and psychologists do not often agree on what they mean.

While daydreaming used to be mocked as a useless, idle activity, it is now generally accepted that daydreaming may be useful in certain situations. Amazingly, there are several instances of persons in creative or artistic professions, including musicians, writers of fiction, and directors, coming up with fresh ideas while daydreaming. Researchers in the fields of math, physics, and science have also come up with novel ideas while daydreaming about their respective fields.

5. Dreaming and Sleep are Intertwined

Sleep and dreaming go hand in hand. At the rapid-eye movement (REM) stage of sleep, when brain activity is intense and resembles that of being awake, dreams are most common. Several species exhibit signs of REM sleep, and since evidence points to the existence of REM in all mammals, it has been hypothesized that animals may dream. However, even during non-REM sleep, people can dream, and not all REM awakenings result in dream reports.

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6. Not All Dreams Are in Color

child in bed dreaming of Santa Claus.Unknown author.Wikimedia

Research from 1915 until the 1950s indicated that most dreams were in black and white, but in the 1960s, these findings started to shift. A minority number of people claim to solely dream in black and white, even though most people say they dream in color. The most often picked colors in studies when dreamers are woken and asked to choose hues from a chart that correspond to those in their dreams are soft pastel hues. According to a recent study, the transition from black-and-white movies and television to color media may be responsible for those outcomes’ altering patterns.

7. The Visual Nature of Dreams is Generally Highly Phantasmagoric

The visual aspects of dreams are typically quite phantasmagoric, meaning that various places and objects are constantly blending into one another. The settings, people, and items in the pictures are often representative of the subject’s recollections and experiences, although the dialogue can occasionally take on very exaggerated and odd shapes.

A dreamer may even inhabit new, complicated worlds in certain well-plotted dreams, and upon awakening, they may have sensations, ideas, and thoughts that they have never before.

8. Some Dreams Are Universal

This cartoon describes the difference between the poor and the richest, and the difference between their dreams and goals. Author Arifur Rahman. WIKIMEDIA

Researchers have discovered that certain dream motifs are universal throughout cultures, despite the fact that dreams are frequently impacted by personal experience. For instance, dreaming about being pursued, assaulted, or falling is common among people from all over the world. Other frequent dream scenarios include being stuck in place, being late, flying, and being exposed in front of others.

9. The Body is Paralyed while Dreaming

The REM phase of sleep is when we all dream. A brain mechanism paralyzes the body during rapid eye movement (REM) to stop the physical body from moving due to motions that occur in dreams. The feeling, which might be scary, is totally normal and should only last a few minutes before returning to normal muscular control.

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10. Many of our Dreams are Forgotten

Up to 95% of dreams are forgotten immediately after we wake up. Recall of dreams is most vivid immediately after awakening and gradually dwindles during the day. Most people find it difficult to recall even what they dreamed about the previous night because their brains remain at a lower level of cognition during the whole dreaming process. Dreams that repeat themselves are a little bit simpler to recall.

The experiences you have while you are awake ingrain themselves into your subconscious, becoming the basis of your upcoming aspirations. According to several experts in neuroscience, dreaming is the mechanism through which short- to long-term memory is consolidated. Some claim that the brain uses dreams as a tool to help humans get ready for the challenges of the future.

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