Is Janelle Monae Gay? We Tell You Everything About Her Sexuality


Janelle Monae, an American singer, writer, and actress has been in the limelight regarding her sexuality. However, she has always been open about her sexual orientation in the past. She has been a strong advocate for the LGBTQ+ community in the past which would suggest that she is gay. However, in her recent interview with Rolling Stone, Monae expressed herself by saying that she is non-binary.

Bill Ingalls, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

When interviewed in 2013, Janelle Monae responded to the speculations about her sexuality. “I just live my life, and people can feel free to discuss whatever it is that they think and use whatever adjectives they feel. It’s a free country,” she said in an interview with Pride Source. She said that the answers to the questions surrounding her sexuality are found in her music. She pointed to two of her songs “Mushrooms and Roses” and “Q.U.E.E.N” as the songs that explain her sexual orientation.

During one of her exclusive interviews in 2018, Janelle Monae cleared people’s doubts about her sexuality. She doesn’t consider herself solely as a woman but as a person who is everything. “Being a black queer woman in America, someone who has been in a relationship with both men and women, I consider myself to be a free motherfucker,” she said in the interview. She went on to state that despite defining herself as non-binary, when will always stand up for women. She will fight for a better place for women.

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As a pansexual, Monae says that her attraction to a person does not depend on the person’s gender or sexual orientation. She says that she loves any good spirit regardless of who they are. “I feel all of my energy. I feel like God is so much bigger than ‘he’ or ‘she’. If I am from God, I am everything,” the six times Grammy award nominee said in an interview with the Red Table Talk. “I don’t see how you identify. And I feel like that opens you up to fall in love with whoever, with any beautiful soul,” she added.

Sexual orientation, according to Monae, is something personal. One’s identity is subject to change and evolves with time, and people need to follow their hearts to live their best lives. Her identification as non-binary shows her understanding and experience of her body and sexuality.

Monae is a strong supporter of people coming out and showing the world who they are at a young age. “I want young girls, young boys, no binary, gay, straight, queer people who are having a hard time dealing with their sexuality, dealing with feeling ostracized or bullied for just being their unique selves, to know that I see you,” Monae said while launching one of her music albums.

The actress went against all odds to announce that she is a queer woman. According to her story, her grandmother is a very religious person and her entire family goes to church. However, she made up her mind to come out as non-binary and was ready to deal with the consequences. Monae said that if her family would not love her for who she was, she would never call them or support them financially. “You will not get my LGBTQIA+ money,” she said. However, she says that she is open and still learning about herself.

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