Amish horse buggy ride by Randy Fath from Unsplash
10 Reasons Why the Amish love their lifestyle
The Amish are fascinating. In a rapidly paced world, they have conserved their customs and remained founded in their values. Simplicity, a sense of community, and tradition are what the Amish lifestyle is centered on.
Additionally, they love their lifestyle for many reasons. It promotes a sense of community, promotes family values, and encourages simplicity. Moreover, the Amish lifestyle promotes self-sufficiency, boosts their craftsmanship skills, appreciates nature, and preserves their traditions and customs. Find out more.
Here are the 10 Reasons Why the Amish love their lifestyle.
1. The lifestyle of the Amish is founded on faith
The Bible by Aaron Burden from Unsplash
The Amish customs are founded on religious values. Hence it dictates their way of living. For instance, they don’t take photos of themselves or allow others to take photos of them.
Furthermore, they view photos and paintings as a form of graven images. Thus going against the second commandment of the Bible that relates to making graven images.
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2. Amish lifestyle is simple
Minimalism and simplicity are what the Amish community encourages. From clothing to furniture to possession of assets, everything is done in simplicity.
For example, only plain clothing is allowed with no decorations and no buttons on shirts. Ownership of automobiles or technological gadgets like phones is limited. The Old Order Amish denies the ownership of things like cars, phones, and more.
3. The Amish lifestyle seeks to build a strong sense of community
The Amish community working together by Randy Fath from Unsplash
This community appreciates a close-knit society and togetherness for social support. They assist each other with emotional and material support. It builds up the feeling of a strong sense of belonging among the members of the community.
4. The Amish lifestyle supports strong family values
Family is at the center of the Amish priorities. They cherish their families and strive to raise their children with strong morals and values. Moreover, because of the high regard for family, women have a distinct responsibility of caring for the household and family. The children are also taught the values of the Amish as they grow up.
5. They view nature as God’s handiwork
The Amish have a special inclination towards nature. They see it as proof of God’s handiwork that was made to benefit humans. Thus they find the earth a blessing and a gift from God that ought to be taken care of. So the Amish protect and preserve the land and all living things in whatever capacity they can.
See Things You Probably Didn’t Know About The Amish People.
6. The lifestyle of the Amish promotes self-sufficiency
Organic tomatoes in the Amish community in Lancaster by Loren Biser from Unsplash
The Amish community is reserved from modernism due to its traditional, rural way of life. Thus, they have adopted a lifestyle that makes them appear as an island to the rest of society.
Subsequently, they have established measures to ensure their self-sufficiency such as home gardens. These gardens provide fresh fruits and vegetables for seasonal consumption. The extra is stored up for use during winter while some are canned or pickled.
Besides food, their children learn in their Amish schools. The Amish dress code is distinct. They also avoid the modern use of medicine such as vaccinations and opt for natural remedies.
7. Their lifestyle boosts creativity
The Amish are respected for their skilled craftsmanship in woodwork, quilting, and farming. Hence, this makes the community praised for their accomplishment.
On top of that, they pass on these skills from generation to generation. To add on, their formal education is only up to the 8th grade where learners are introduced to basic academic concepts. Inclusive of the learning process is vocational training.
8. Amish lifestyle preserves their traditions and customs
Amish night out by Randy Fath from Unsplash
The detachment of this community from the rest of the world in many aspects makes them maintain their traditions and customs. For example, restricted ownership of technological devices, limited dress codes, and more propel their originality to future generations.
Over and above that, children are also taught these values in schools which makes the norms go on for many years. Society also adheres to different age-related practices which are passed on to the next generations.
An example is that young men are only allowed to grow beards when they marry as well as no mustaches for all men. These practices are observed by present Amish generations who pass on the baton to their peers’ generation after generation.
9. They find joy in simple pleasures
The Amish thrive on life’s simple pleasures. The little things that are often taken for granted are what these community guards with all their might. They focus on such things as family time and do away with barriers that may affect the same. Such as the owning of devices like phones.
Learn about the Strange Amish rules and laws.
10. The Amish world is slower
The Amish Village in Pennsylvania by Praswin Prakashan from Unsplash
The lifestyle of the Amish makes their world intentionally a little bit slower. Their focus is to achieve biblical principles of humility, simplicity, and being mindful of the other person.
To boot, their conservative lifestyle builds contentment in them and leaves no room for the Amish to keep up with trends in a fast-paced world. For instance, their clothing is simple hence never in a rush to adopt the latest trends in the fashion industry.
The Amish unique way of life is a lesson of simplicity and the importance of values. Though it appears as a strange way of life in the modern day, it is a source of contentment and happiness to the Amish. Hence they love their lifestyle because it drives a sense of purpose, meaning, and fulfillment in their lives.
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