Top 10 Fascinating Facts about Zoroaster


Zoroaster who is also known as Zarathustra is considered to have been the spiritual founder of Zoroastrianism. It is believed that he was an Iranian prophet who established a religious movement that challenged the existing traditions that had been set by the ancient Iranian religion.

This is an interesting concept as one would expect people at the time to conform and live according to the teachings and values that have been guiding their generation.  Therefore, this article will explore some fascinating facts about the prophet so that more light can be shed on the life that he lived and his work as a prophet and the founder of a religion.

1 It is not clear when he lived

The dates are given by ancient and modern writers about when the Iranian prophet lived to differ considerably. Most sober writers have him between 1000 and 600 B.C., recognising Zoroaster as the revelation of his religion. The main source of information on Zoroaster’s life and career is the Zoroastrian scripture, Avesta, which is the oldest and most reliable source. Among the late Zoroastrian literature, Denkart, an Encyclopaedia of Middle Persian, stands out.

2 He was known as the initiator of the Magian belief

Zoroaster by Mahisa-Wikimedia

Zoroaster was recognized among the classic writers as the person who initiated the Magian belief and also as a great sage. In ancient Iran, Magians were a priestly class and the repository of Persian religious lore and learning.

He was first talked about by a Lydian historian in the 5th century B.C and Plato also mentions him when looking at the Alcibiadesin connection with Magian teachings. There is also a summary given by Plutarch about Zoroaster’s cosmology and religious doctrine

3 He composed the earliest parts of the Avesta

It is believed that the earliest part of the Avesta which is the main book in the Zoroastrian beliefs was written by the prophet himself.  The portion that he wrote is known as the Gathas which translates to Hymns in English. The other parts of the Avesta that include litanies, prayers and religious laws were written over several centuries.

This concept is interesting as it gives the reader insight into how the prophet started his own religion. The dialect of the Gathas that was written by the prophet is different from the rest of the texts in the Avesta and is considered to be somehow archaic.

4 He was initially met with resistance

A picture of Zoroaster by Jacobolus-Wikimedia

When the prophet was starting to tell people about his religion and beliefs, he was first met with harsh resistance as the people did not want to leave the ancient Persian beliefs that they were used to and start adopting what he was saying.

However, this changed when he converted King Vishtaspa who convinced his people to adopt the new faith. The prophet received a message from Ahura Mazda while meditating which he then told the disciples. The messages answered how one was to live in the new faith

5 It is believed that his parents were Persian

Since the early life of the prophet is not documented, it is believed that he was born to Persian parents because of their names Pourusaspa and Dughdova. His family name was Spitama which can be translated to mean shining power. His father could have been a priest which would explain how the prophet choose to be a priest as one of the sons usually followed the father’s profession. The prophet had four brothers and it is believed that the family was well of as he was educated at an early age.

6 His faith

A picture of Zoroaster by Ariapars-Wikimedia

The faith that the Iranian prophet was devoted to can be referred to as the Early Iranian religion. It was a polytheistic belief system that had many gods who were presided over by a chief deity known as Ahura Mazda. The Ahura Mazda guided human activity through wisdom and benevolence.

They also believed that the deity kept the evil spirits at bay. The prophet’s belief system had a lot of sense and appealed to the people as it showed that there was someone powerful protecting them from evil. As people want to feel secure, they may have adopted the belief system as it gave them a sense of security and hope.

7 He believed in the existence of good and evil

The prophet believed that both good and evil existed with the good being the Ahura Mazda who was their deity and Angra Mainyu who had a legion of demons and spirit of darkness. The two were in constant conflict over who was to control the world.

According to Zoroaster, humans had the free will of choosing which side they would ally themselves with.  A person could choose the path of light by submitting to Ahura Mazda and he could be assured of an afterlife in paradise or choose rebellion and mischief which was Angra Mainyu and pass on to dark hell.

8 He believed that virtuous behaviour was a reflection of a person’s faith

As his belief system was rooted in doing good deeds, telling the truth at all times, showing love and practising moderation in all things that one did, the prophet believed that virtuous behaviour was a reflection of someone’s faith. The chief deity was an all-good and all-powerful one, who cared about people with good morals and made ethical choices. Therefore, if one was virtuous, it means they were loving in a way that pleased the Ahura Mazda.

9 He believed in paradise after death

If one chose the path of light and love and followed the Ahura Mazda they would be guaranteed a life in paradise after death. The prophet believed that for one to achieve this, one had to lead a life that not only benefitted oneself but also others. In doing so, a person embodied the values of the chief deity and thus live a good and productive life and also receive life after death.

10 He believed that the good and bad in a person’s life were a result of their choices

The prophet believed that the good and the bad that befell someone was not a reward or a punishment and rather, the result of the personal choices they made in life. This means that when one made a bad choice then they would get bad results and likewise when someone made good choices, they would get good things.

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