Citadel_hill photo by Money wagon Wikimedia 

 Top by 10 Interesting Facts about The Citadel, Halifax, NS


The citadel Halifax, the National Historic Site is also referred to as the Fort George. Since 1749 There are a series of four different forts on top of Citadel hill in the middle of downtown Halifax. The highest point in the city is the current fort was built in 1856. It is currently a popular tourist attraction and has been recognized as a National Historic site in Canada.

Citadel Halifax is a large stone from the early 19 century. The British fortification is located at the top of citadel hill in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The walled citadel is surrounded by an expansive grassed glacis descending to the commons on the west side and also the downtown Halifax on the east side.

The citadel Halifax is the most prominent fortification in the network of defensive works. It has historically guarded Halifax on both the dockyard and the harbor.

The following are the top 10  interesting facts about  the citadel Halifax NS

1. The citadel Halifax is acts an Historic site

It is a National Historic Site. The site has important features and amenities is the one the reason why it is recognized. Some of the reasons why the citadel was designated as the national Historic site include 

2.Halifax is Home to One of the World’s Longest Downtown Boardwalks

The Halifax Waterfront features one of the world’s longest continuous boardwalks which is 4km. It has  non-stop harbor views, captivating port activity, and shops aplenty, you’ll never run out of things to do on the waterfront.

One is recommended to stop by a café and grab a warm beverage before settling on a bench or hammock to watch the boats sail through the harbor. From here, you can also jump aboard the Halifax Transit Ferry to Dartmouth or the Harbor Hopper for a tour around the city.

3. The Citadel Halifax has a shape of a star

Citadel_hill photo by Moneywagon Wikimedia 

 The citadel Halifax were forts built by the British military  in the 19 century and gave the garrison sweeping arcs of fire. From its deep defensive ditch, soldiers pointed muskets from every angle of its stout walls and large cannons lined its ramparts. It’s easy to see why no enemy force ever dared to attack the Halifax Citadel.

4. Get to explore  the history of the fortress and the soldiers

Halifax Citadel, photo from Wikimedia 

The citadel Halifax provides chance for the visitors to learn and explore the history of fortress and soldiers who were stationed there.  They also get to walk within its walls both inside and out and touch a piece of Halifax’s military history. 

5. A cannon goes off at noon every single day

Muzzle d loading gun, Photo from Wikimedia

The noon at Halifax Citadel National Historic site has been long local tradition since 1857.Thisis a tribute to Halifax’s history as a the major British military stronghold. The gunners dress in 3rd Brigade Royal Artillery uniform of 1869 up to dates. They fire the cannon every single day at noon

 The cannon are normally used in productions of a  12 pounder, smooth-bore muzzle loading gun that was used during the reign of King George III.

6.Discover the history of alcohol use in the British Military

When you are at Citadel Halifax be guided by a kilted 78th Highlander and get to  hear stories of how they raised their spirits with British military rations. Also one is recommended to  visit the Compass Distillers’ barreling room where spirits are stored and aged in wooden barrels inside the fortification . You Will have a truly  amazing experience.

Guided tasting of three unique spirits that were  made exclusively for the Halifax Citadel Society by award-winning Compass Distillers in Halifax’s.

7. Old town clock which is the famous landmark on citadel hill

Old clock tower Halifax , photo by Dennis Wikimedia 

The town clock which is also called the old town clock or citadel tower clock. It is most recognizable landmarks in the historic of Halifax. Prince Edward the Duke of Kent was  credited for the idea of a clock for the British army and the royal navy . He organized for a turret clock to be manufactured before his return to England in 1800.

 The clock tower is three- tiered which is irregular octagon tower built on top a one storey white clapboard building of classic Palladian proportions. It was erected on the east slope of citadel hill facing the Barrack street.

The clock face is 4-sided displaying roman numerals. The 4 is shown as III for aesthetic symmetry and not as IV. The town clock began keeping time for the garrison in 1803 and up to date its keeps time.

8. Get to the Halifax Public Gardens

 The Halifax public garden is  located on Spring Garden Road are a 17-acre oasis containing fountains, rare flowers, trees and the beautiful red gazebo. The gardens were formally founded in 1867.

9.Get to visit the Point Pleasant Park

Point Pleasant Park is a large forested municipal park at the southern tip of the Halifax peninsula. It  has hosted several artillery batteries, and still contains the Prince of Wales Tower  which was  the oldest Martello tower in North America . The park is a popular recreational spot for Haligonians. The park also  hosts forest walks and affords views across the harbor and out toward the Atlantic.

10.Get to Learn about the ghost stories and bizarre legends of the Halifax Citadel  Halifax’s 

Halifax Citadel gate photo by Tanyasiri  Wikimedia 

You will get to listen and experience a nocturnal journey into the haunted history of Halifax Citadel . It has recounted  many a ghost story, tales of the unexplained, and all recounted in chilling detail by  a tour guide.

The tour guide normally stands  on the drawbridge holding a glowing lantern aloft in the deepening twilight. Through the arched stone gate and into the darkness of the fort that has dominated Halifax Harbor since 1749 as you follow the tour guide across the drawbridge as you listen to him/her.

 Also descend by candlelight through dimly lit passageways toward shadowy inner chambers. Breathlessly anticipating what sinister apparition might lurk around each corner. you  will pass through ditches, along cobblestone alleys and over eerie ramparts. Then descend into dark tunnels toward prison cells that once housed hapless soldiers convicted of minor offences.




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