Bahá’u’lláh 1868.jpg Photo by Caspiax – Wikimedia Commons
10 Great Facts about Bahá’u’lláh
1. Life in Baghdad
Bahaullah from miller.jpg Photo by Unknown author –Wikimedia Commons
Baha’u’llah began dispatching communications and teachers to encourage and receive flagging spirits of persecuted followers. One of these was Mirza Yahya, who has the half-brother of Baha’u’llah and was 13 years younger. After Baha’u’llah was exiled to Iraq, Mirza left Iran in disguise and made his way to Baghdad.
For some time Mirza served as Baha’u’llah’s secretary in Baghdad but became envious of his brother and began to seek the leadership of the Babu religion. Mirza attempted to elevate himself among Babis by referencing a letter Bab had written a few years earlier when he was still a teenager. Mirza claimed the letter meant he was actually appointed the successor.
2. Baha’u’llah’s First Announcement
Baha’u’llah left Baghdad for the banks of the Tigris river on 22 April 1863. He crossed to enter the verdant Najibiyyih garden park, he stayed for twelve days with his family members and a few close followers who were chosen to accompany him.
Upon his arrival, he announced his mission ad God’s latest manifestation in this world has commenced. He declared to his companions that he was Him whom God shall make manifest.
3. His Time In Adrianople
On December 1862, he was sent away to Adrianople with his family and companions. He stayed there for four and a half years, which was enough time for him to unfold his mission among Babis and general proclamation of his cause. Baha’u’llah broadly shared his writings with Babis in Iran, he then dispatched several of his trusted followers to Iran. Most of the Babis recognized him as the leader of their faith.
The more Baha’u’llah continued to share his writings, the more Mirza Yahya felt the need to emerge from his self-imposed seclusion and pursue leadership ambitions. His envy grew to the point where he wanted to kill his brother, Mirza’s attempt involved him trying to personally poison Baha’u’llah. This caused Baha’u’llah to have a severe month-long illness but left him with a tremor in his hand for the rest of his life.
Even though his brother tried to kill him, Baha’u’llah advised those who knew not to s[eak od what had happened. This gave rise to strong agitation among Babis and an unprecedented commotion in the community.
4. Baha’u’llah’s Teachings
In his teachings, he asserted that the Creator cannot be grasped by his creation. Nevertheless, he taught that the Creator bestowed upon humans the capacity to recognize the Maker’s existence. Baha’u’llah believed that the Maker gave humans the ability to develop spiritually through the awareness of God.
He taught that human knowledge of God’s existence and awareness was only possible to special beings he and Bab described as Manifestations of God. Manifestations are spiritual entities especially created by God, they have capacities infinitely superior to ordinary humans. Baha’is believe manifestations reflect the light of God’s will and purpose, writings show how manifestations are like perfect mirrors that reflect one sun through every mirror.
Baha’u’llah linked the Process of Progressive Revelation to God’s eternal covenant which made him the divine teacher makes with his followers. He even taught that the next manifestation will be sent to guide them. The followers of each religion have the duty to carefully investigate with an open mind.
5. Prophetic Fulfillment
Shrine of Bahá’u’lláh air 2022 2.jpg Photo by Eldar Eldadi – Wikimedia Commons
Baha’u’llah declared his station as the Promised One prophesied in every major religion of the past. He claimed to be several messiahs that converging in one person is understood by Baha’is as being a spiritual fulfillment. His teachings regarding the oneness of God’s manifestations and the essence of religion to oneself.
6. Teachings on Right Living
Baha’u’llah taught prescriptions for a righteous, healthy, and productive life. He was characterized by good manners and moral virtues that would help every Baha’i in their day-to-day life. He encouraged believers to associate with those of all faiths in a loving and friendly manner. Baha’u’llah didn’t encourage all forms of religious violence, he described the role of true religion as a deterrent to crime.
His core message was that his followers should make an effort to collaborate with like-minded individuals and make efforts to advance the process of unifying the world in ways pleasing to God. He also affirmed the importance of working in the same trade or profession to benefit each other as a community.
7. Day-to-Day Principles
Abdul Baha with grandsons and other Baha’is.png Photo by Unknown author – Wikimedia Commons
Baha’u’llah clearly proclaimed the principle of the oneness of mankind, he also went as far as to urge the heads of state to join together in resolving existing disputes and archive peace. He emphasized on the importance of eliminating religious and racial prejudices and avoiding extreme nationalism.
Baha’u’llah taught that in God’s eyes the sexes were equal and neither superior to the other. The Baha’i teachings envisage the implementation of far-reaching social changes everywhere, this meant that women were supposed to fulfill their God-given potential in all fields of human endeavor.
8. The Administration of the Baha’i
The Baha’i community is administered in most countries around the world. No Baha’i has the authority to tell another what to do or think but they share Baha’u’llah’s teachings and principles. He strongly encouraged personal initiative among the Baha’is in sharing his teachings. The Baha’is work in groups and are engaged with the community because it is considered an important aspect of each and every Baha’is life.
The Baha’i community activities are coordinated and guided by a nine-member council that operates at local, regional, and national levels. They add encouragement and spiritual guidance which is provided by appointed individuals who do not have executive powers. Baha’i projects are supported by funds that are voluntarily given by Baha’is because the Baha’i Faith doesn’t accept contributions from those who are not in the community.
The council members are appointed by the Baha’i Faith to assist with various community activities. The administrative order is headed by the Universal House of Justice, the institution ordained and given authority for this purpose by Baha’u’llah in his Book of Laws.
Read more about Baha’i faith here.
9. The Depth of His Writings
Baha’u’llah’s writings including those composed before he announced his prophetic mission were considered divinely revealing. He occasionally wrote down every revelation he had, he typically spoke the words aloud. Sometimes he spoke so quickly that it presented challenges for those recording his words.
His writings were categories that include commentary on scriptures, prophecies, and beliefs of former religions. He claimed proofs and explanations about God and wrote statements relating to God’s creation of human souls as noble entities. He wrote about life after death and descriptions of how souls progress for eternity in endless divine realms.
Baha’u’llah also explores theodicy and reasons for difficulties in this life. He also wrote numerous prayers and meditations. Baha’u’llah also wrote a series of letters that were addressed to monarchs, political rulers, and clerical leaders, he claimed to be the Promised One of the Torah, the Gospels, and the Qur’an. He asked them to accept his revelation and renounce their material possessions and begin to rule with justice.
Baha’u’llah asked them to reduce their armaments and reconcile their differences. He later warned them that the world of that period was ending and that a global civilization was being born. Baha’u’llah asserted that inexorable historical forces were in motion and that rulers should use the powers entrusted to them by God.
The letters were prescribed ways to develop a sense of community for the planet’s people through collaborative endeavors. They created an international auxiliary language, universal compulsory public education. and a common global currency and system if measurement.
10.The Tone of His Voice In His Writings
Baha’u’llah describes each manifestation as a twofold nature, one relating to God, and the other relating to the material world. He sates that all manifestations are channels of God’s all pervasive grace that is guided by the Creator to use the inspiration of their words. This way only open-minded individuals will grasp the truths being given.
His voice in each of his writings varies depending upon the themes or topics covered the specific backgrounds of their intended recipients. Many of his writings speaks as a caring counselor in others it is someone conveying what the manifestation asked him to pass on. As seen in the dialogue between Baha’u’llah and God guiding him as His manifestation in the Fire Tablet or in the Tablet of Carmel.
For more details about Baha’i faith, click here.
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