10 Of The Strangest Laws In Virginia
Virginia has some unique laws that may seem strange or outdated to modern standards. From prohibiting tickling against someone’s will to banning Sunday hunting and regulating the possession of skunks as pets. These laws are equivalent to the values and concerns for public safety and conservation that the legislators had in mind at the time. Due to time differences they may be irrelevant today. In this article, we will look at 10 of the strangest laws in Virginia.
1. It is illegal to tickle women in Virginia
According to Virginia Code 18.2-57, it is considered a misdemeanor to tickle women or other persons against their will. Every person has inherent human dignity which gives them body autonomy.
Body autonomy is the ability to choose what happens to your body. It is from this understanding that tickling anyone without their expressive consent amounts to an encroachment of their rights. One can be held liable for assault on this account.
2. It is illegal to hunt on Sundays, with some exceptions
Virginia has a long-standing “blue law” that prohibits hunting on Sundays. These laws regulate business. Trading and certain activities is rendered illegal on Sunday. The goal is to ensure that as many as possible go to church on Sunday. In this case, it is illegal to hunt on Sunday. However, hunting for raccoons, opossums, and foxes is allowed. This is because such animals are considered to be a nuisance to human existence.
Check out these 15 Weird Laws to be Aware of in Ohio.
3. It is illegal to have a skunk as a pet
According to Virginia Code 29.1-521, it is unlawful to possess, import, or transport a live skunk in Virginia. Skunks are mainly known for the very bad smell they emit. Further, skunks are carriers of diseases that may easily be transmitted to human beings. It is for this reason that the handling of skunks is largely regulated.
However, as is common with everything else, there are exceptions to most rules. In this case, handling of skunks is permitted for educational or scientific purposes.
4. It is illegal to use profanity over public airwaves
Virginia Code 18.2-388 makes it a misdemeanor to use profane, vulgar, or indecent language over any public airwaves. This is inclusive of the radio and television. Most laws are enacted to maintain public order and maintain public interests.
This seems to be one of those laws that are at the wider interest of the public. An example being to protect the innocence from the vulgarities and indecent language that if not regulated are a common feature in society.
Read more about these 55 weird laws you can find in US.
5. It is illegal to hunt for any animal from an aircraft
Virginia Code 29.1-521.2 prohibits hunting, pursuing, or shooting any animal from an aircraft or other airborne vehicle. The net effect of this law is protect animals from being hunted and rendered extinct species. Specifying hunting from an aircraft is probably because this makes it easier for the hunter to hunt and get away with it.
6. It is illegal to drive while not wearing shoes
According to Virginia Code 46.2-1083, it is unlawful to drive a motor vehicle on a public highway in Virginia without wearing shoes. It is considered safer to drive while wearing shoes. This is because one has better control of the car due to the grip that good shoes have on the brake pads and accelerators. For this reason, avoid driving barefoot while in Virginia.
7. It is illegal to keep a skunk as a pet for more than two months
Virginia Code 29.1-520 states that it is illegal to keep a skunk as a pet for more than two months. This is line with the strict laws and rules on handling wild animals. Skunks are considered to be carriers of disease which can be contagious hence this restriction. The one exception to this rule is where one obtains a permit from the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries.
Find out the 20 Weird Laws you will find in California.
8. It is illegal to whistle underwater
Virginia Code 18.2-416 prohibits whistling underwater in a public swimming pool. According to research, whistling under makes one lose a lot of air. By extension this wanes their energy and could lead to drowning among other water accidents. Further, whistling under water is considered a disturbance of the peace. As it is this sound and its echo travels further under water.
9. It is illegal to use X-rays to fit shoes
Virginia Code 18.2-327.1 makes it illegal to use X-ray machines to measure feet for the purpose of fitting shoes. Between 1920s and 1960s, the use of radiation to fit shoes was introduced.
This method gained popularity since it gave a close to perfect means of measuring shoe sizes. However, this law was enacted because the use of radiations exposed parents and children to harmful radiations. Excessive exposure to such increased the chances of cancerous growth in the human body.
Click to read about the 10 weirdest laws in Arizona.
10. It is illegal to fish for whales on Sundays
This is part of the blue laws that were a very common phenomenon during the 1900s. These blue laws sought to encourage more people to go to church. This goal was achieved by the regulation of trade and some kinds of activities on Sundays.
Left with nothing to do, most people would opt to go to church. According to Virginia Code 29.1-521.1, it is illegal to fish for or capture whales on Sundays, except for scientific or educational purposes.
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