The state health department stocks up on vaccines amid the worrying rise in whooping cough cases across Czechia.

Czechia is facing a whooping cough outbreak as is the case across several countries in Europe. This year alone, the figure of reported cases in the country is approaching 3,000 as of this week’s data. Though not mandatory, health experts are encouraging the public to be vaccinated.

 “Given the rapidly increasing number of whooping cough cases…it is ideal to be revaccinated in adulthood,” said Czech State Health Institute director Barbora Macková.

Deputy Health Minister Says Czechia is Prepared to Handle Threat

Josef Pavlovic, the Deputy Health Minister through a press release earlier in the week confirmed that Czechia is not near an epidemic state with whooping cough.

The minister affirmed that the State Health Department is ready to handle the situation. He noted that the country has stocked over 70,000 vaccines available throughout the nation. There is another 10,000 doses expected from the UK within March.

How Fast is the Disease Spreading?

According to the Czech State Health Institute (SZÚ) over 2,700 cases have been reported from January 2024 until this week. Prague Mayor Bohulav Svoboda confirmed he contracted the disease.

Further, SZÚ admits that the number of whooping cough cases could be a bit higher than the figure in their records. Because not all cases are diagnosed and reported to their official authorities.

Health Experts Encourage Vaccination to Boost Public Immunity

The Czech State Health Institute (SZÚ) director Barbora Macková said, “Given the rapidly increasing number of whooping cough cases…it is ideal to be revaccinated in adulthood”.

President of the Czech Vaccinological Society, Roman Chlíbek also spoke in support of the vaccination idea. He stressed that children from five years, pregnant women, and adults should be vaccinated.

Whooping Cough Symptoms

Medical professionals say that the first signs of whooping cough are similar to a cold, with a runny nose and sore throat. But over time it develops into coughing attacks with a gasp at the end of the fit. In some cases, bruising and vomiting are part of the ordeal.

How to Prevent and Cure the Disease

Health experts advise that vaccines are the perfect preventive measures. Those with suspected symptoms should visit health centers for blood testing immediately. The treatment includes antibiotics given for about seven to 10 days.

Since the bacteria spread through coughs and sneezes, experts add that those diagnosed stay at home until recovery.

In Czechia, vaccination against whooping cough for children is free and mandatory. Adults are expected to reserve their vaccination in private vaccination centers at a fee. The public health insurance does not cover this risk at the moment.

Who Are The Most Affected?

This bacterial respiratory disease also known as pertussis or the 100-day cough affects babies and teenagers but everyone can get it. Unvaccinated people and senior citizens may suffer intense complications if infected.

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