JEMA is a gathering of professionals in the arts and crafts through open days at workshops and training establishments, events, Exceptional Meetings, demonstrations of know-how, discovery workshops, conferences, two-voice visits, and so on.

Let’s take a moment to appreciate and celebrate our skilled craftspeople! The Journées Européennes des Métiers d’Art event in 2024 is a treasure trove of French culture and heritage, providing a platform to showcase the incredible talents and abilities of the country’s craftsmen and women.

The 18th edition of JEMA will be held from April 2nd to 7th in 2024 and will offer visitors the opportunity to explore workshops, museums, and factories to learn more about the secrets of the trade. France’s tangible and intangible heritage supports 60,000 art and living heritage businesses, creating 160,000 jobs for skilled craftsmen.

Across Paris and the Île-de-France region, nearly 500 free events await the curious, both young and old. Each area is highlighted by a series of historic and creative addresses that continue to shape French history.

From the most grandiose venues to private stalls in the capital, the Journées Européennes des Métiers d’Art aims to introduce French craftsmanship to inspire new vocations and promote cultural wealth. In 2024, this annual event will include a range of fashion, jewelry, and accessory boutiques that will delight couture enthusiasts with their beautiful fabrics and creative materials.

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