About Us

Why ‘things to do – the real agenda of locals’?


This Travel Guide seeks to provide what we have been unable to find anywhere in our travel – an insider’s perspectives on things to do and see when you visit one of the world’s greatest cities. The sort of recommendations friends would make to me if I had friends in all these cities. We are all locals of the places we write about, we all love hanging out in and exploring the cities where we live.

We will be adding cities one at a time – we want to do it right. We are starting off with cities that are great to visit and where we have dependable people we know to contribute to this Travel Guide.

As locals, we don’t know about hotels, so we skipped those. We also didn’t dwell too much on restaurants – there are plenty of resources for that. We concentrate on Things To Do once you get into town, and here we try our best to be comprehensive and to address every need.

Our eventual goal is to get recognition for our work and to publish print versions of our guides, one for each city.

We welcome ideas, comments and suggestions, You can contact us at contact(at)discoverwalks.com.